Verified Reviews - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

上墙时间 2023-03-16

Let's see how the evaluation is.

amumua 2023-03-14

I am too, with the editor in chief for three months already.

JackinW 2023-03-12

5 months, rejected, reason not within the scope of the journal. Sent two reminders during this period, but received no response. It is not recommended to submit in a hurry. Too slow...

岩土小白 2023-03-04

Does the other party not reply to the reminder for submission?

JOJO-YY 2023-03-02

It's really super slow, so if you're in a hurry, you must not choose this one.
Submitted in April 2022.
Going back for major repairs in September 2022.
Still under review in March 2023.

论文算个屁 2023-02-28

04 Jul 2022 - submit
11 Jul 2022 - with editor
17 Jul 2022 - under review
4 Aug 2022 - under review
10 Aug 2022 - under review
16 Aug 2022 - decision in process
18 Aug 2022 - a major revision, a minor revision
14 Sep 2022 - revised
14 Sep 2022 - with editor in chief
17 Sep 2022 - editor invited
20 Sep 2022 - under review
26 Feb 2023 - accept

spshaun 2023-02-27

The feeling of reviewing the manuscript is not slow. Both the initial review and the revision take about one month. However, most of the time is spent in the "with editor in chief" and "editor invited" statuses.

HHUer 2023-02-16

Posted on August 10th, received rejection comments on November 13th.

羁绊 2023-02-14

2022.10 submission, still with the editor in chief in 2023.2. It has been four months and it has not been sent for external review yet. It is too slow, I do not recommend submitting.

YYlll666 2023-02-09

After replying to the reviewer's comments and making modifications, I feel mentally exhausted. I came here to take a look and found that you have made changes to more than ninety items. I can also make changes to my twenty-nine items, so I will make an extra effort.

lhqxxwb 2023-02-05

How long did it take for the delivery to arrive?

lhqxxwb 2023-02-05

How long will the result come out at last? I have been really anxious for two months.

lhqxxwb 2023-02-05

May I ask how long is the longest time someone has parked at With Editor in Chief? Mine has been two months already and it hasn't moved, and there is also no place to send emails.

jackieshan 2023-02-02

September 21, 2022: Submission
October 12, 2022: Revised by the editor-in-chief (Reason: Issues with the reference citation format in the main text, to be revised and resubmitted)
About one week later: External review
December 16, 2022: Major revision
January 11, 2023: Submission of revision comments
January 29, 2023: Acceptance
The editor-in-chief is Prof. Wong from Hong Kong. Due to concerns about letpub comments, there is a strong worry about encountering an Indian editor. If the reference citations do not delay for a month, it might be even faster.
Overall positive feedback, everything depends on fate.

明天 2023-02-01

I have been waiting for 6 months, and the first review is still at RRC.

so special 2023-02-01

Seven and a half months of hard work, but the major revision I gave was still rejected. I was directly blacklisted by the research group, and the Indian editor is really **.

Hakertop 2023-01-27

There are many students who submitted contributions to BOEG.

meiyao0505 2023-01-26

"The submission progress is too slow."

努力学习 2023-01-11

I have made a decision for over a month, and it has been almost nine months since the first trial. I have sent messages to urge, but you completely ignored me...

DoctorW 2023-01-07

There has been no progress since November 20 under review until now. Should I remind them?

xixixixixixi 2023-01-05

My decision has been in process for two months.

明天 2023-01-04

You are so fast, and my RRC has been almost 2 months already.

已经是sci的形状了 2023-01-04

Here is the translation of the text into English:

10.18 summit
11.10 under review
11.21 required reviews completed
11.23 decision in process
11.26 revisions
12.11 resubmission
12.12 required reviews completed
12.20 required reviews completed
1.3 accept

岩土小白 2023-01-01

You can urge for the manuscript now, send an email to the editor.

努力学习 2022-12-24

I submitted it in April, and until now, I haven't received the first-instance response. The decision has been more than half a month.

JOJO-YY 2022-12-22

This journal is not originally open access.

JOJO-YY 2022-12-22

Submitted in May, returned for major revisions in September, and no progress by the end of December.
If it's urgent, I suggest switching to a different journal because this one is really slow.

光亮 2022-12-22

It has been two months since the decision is in process.

努力学习 2022-12-18

It has been half a month since the decision was made, and it has been eight months since the first trial...

明天 2022-12-15

I have been waiting for 1 and a half months for RRC, but still no results.

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