Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Yyyyaoayao 2022-05-09

Okay~ Thank you! I hope to be hired just like you too~

qinzhao 2022-05-08

Yes, each table and each graph are on separate pages.

Yyyyaoayao 2022-05-07

Hello, I would like to inquire about the advice given by the editor, which states "Tables/Figures should be placed in each page." Does it mean that each table or figure should be placed on a separate page?

xmybalabala 2022-05-01

4.1 Submission
4.18 Major revisions
4.26 Submitted to editorial department, 4.28 with editor
4.28 Minor revisions, returned on 4.28
4.30 Accepted
Thankful for the reviewer and editor, lightning speed!!

qinzhao 2022-05-01

Apr 2 submitted
Apr 2 with editor
Apr 4 under review
Apr 10 required reviews completed
Apr 10 under review
Apr 17 major revise
Apr 30 revision submitted to journal
Apr 30 with editor
May 1 accept
This journal is really fast, thumbs up to the editor and reviewers ???

Yyyyaoayao 2022-04-29

4.11 Submission
4.13 Under review
4.24 Required Reviews Completed
4.29 Still Required Reviews Completed!!!
Does this mean the chances are not high???
Ah, it's my first time submitting in English, and my supervisor is not really paying attention, so I had to figure it out myself. I hope the editor gives me a chance~~ The wait has been too long TAT! Wishing you good luck!

123456hua 2022-04-01

The review process is fast, and it usually takes about half a month to receive the review comments. The editor is Professor Samir Khanal, who has high requirements for language and formatting.

Mrlingxu 2022-03-28

A very fast journal, there have been changes with the editor every day from 3.21 to 3.23 after the submission on 3.20. On 3.24, it changed to "under review". Looking forward to the reviewers' opinions.

李大侠 2022-02-06

Jan 07, 2022 Submission
Feb 04, 2022 Revision
Feb 05, 2022 Acceptance

Thank you Professor Christian Larroche, he is super nice and very efficient. BTW, it is the journal with the highest efficiency that I have ever submitted to!

Jason D 2022-02-02

Not boring, it's just encountering... this mobile input method...

Jason D 2022-02-02

Boring again, haha. What's up?

爱学习的小同学 2022-01-23

The repetition rate should not exceed 15%.

云中小麻雀 2021-12-13

Just submitted an article, it hasn't reached the editor yet. Hoping for a good outcome.

张叔叔 2021-11-27

2021.10.30 submitted
2021.10.30 with editor
2021.10.31 under review
2021.11.14 major revise
2021.11.16 revision submitted to journal
2021.11.17 with editor
2021.11.17 accepted
The total submission cycle is less than 20 days.

crystal ling 2021-11-24

The speed was very fast, thank you for editing. After the major revision, it was modified again and accepted with the revised format. Thank you and wish everyone good luck.

lee 2021-10-13

2021.8.29 submitted - Submitted on August 29, 2021.
2021.8.30 with editor - Under review by the editor on August 30, 2021.
2021.9.1 under review - Under review by the editorial team on September 1, 2021.
2021.9.14 required reviews completed - Required reviews were completed on September 14, 2021.
2021.9.16 decision in process - Decision is being processed on September 16, 2021.
2021.9.16 major revise - Major revisions were requested on September 16, 2021.
2021.10.11 revision submitted to journal - Revision was submitted to the journal on October 11, 2021.
2021.10.12 with editor - Under review by the editor on October 12, 2021.
2021.10.12 accept - Accepted on October 12, 2021.

Professor Christian Larroche, the editor, is very nice and handles the process quickly and efficiently. Thank you, Editor Larroche.

曹先源 2021-10-13

2021.8.10 submitted to journal
2021.8.11 with editor
2021.8.15 Under Review
2021.9.8 Under Review
2021.9.12 major revise
2021.10.8 revision submitted to journal
2021.10.9 re-revise
2021.10.11 revision submitted to journal
2021.10.12 with editor
2021.10.12 accept

Professor Christian Larroche, the editor, was very friendly. Thank you!

濛濛 2021-10-06

Submission experience:
8.28 submitted to journal
8.29 with editor
8.30 under review
9.8 major revise
9.26 revision submitted to journal
9.27 with editor
9.29 re-revise
9.30 revision submitted to journal
10.1 with editor
10.3 re-revise (the editor gave the last chance for modification)
10.4 revision submitted to journal
10.5 with editor
10.6 accept
The journal review and decision process was very prompt. Many thanks to Professor Huu Hao Ngo for the editing.
Note: Do not include supplementary information such as fig.s1 in the main text. Describe the results directly in the main text. Infrared, SEM, and other figures should be placed in the supplementary data.

YMZ28 2021-10-05

Can the phrase "see supplementary information" appear in the text?

an08 2021-10-02

Hello, may I ask if there is any notification for the proofreading?

Lubai 2021-09-23

7.22 first submission
7.24 Rejected due to high similarity rate, editor suggests reducing similarity and resubmitting
8.10 Resubmitted to journal
8.11 Under review
8.26 Major revision required
9.12 Revision submitted to journal
9.13 Under review by editor
9.14 Accepted and received for production
9.20 Article published online
Originally, I just wanted to submit to BEJ, but a friend suggested trying BT. It turned out to be very fast, five-star rating.

Lubai 2021-09-23

After receiving the BT, it will be published online in five to six days. By then, it will have a DOI.

康康 2021-09-19

7.25 submitted to journal
7.27 under review
8.17 major revision
9.8 revision submitted to journal
9.10 with editor
9.19 accept

The journal review and decision process was very fast, and the editor was very good. The second SCI paper was successfully accepted with a score of 10. Many thanks to Professor Huu Hao Ngo for his excellent editing!

Note: Do not include additional information such as "fig.s1" or supplementary data in the main text. Describe the results directly in the main text. Infrared, SEM, XPS, and other figures should be placed in the supplementary data.

康康 2021-09-19

How long does it take for the journal Bioresource Technology to assign a DOI number after accepting an article? My article was accepted on September 19th, how long will it take to receive the email with the DOI? Thank you.

an08 2021-09-15

8.8 Submitted to journal
8.10 Problem with submission format (response required within four days)
8.13 Resubmitted
8.15 Under review
9.2 Major revision
9.11 Revision submitted to journal
9.13 With editor
9.14 Accepted

an08 2021-09-13

Do not align both ends and right-align, change to left-align.

康康 2021-09-09

I would like to ask all the big brothers and sisters for some advice. The editor mentioned a formatting issue, which is to avoid full justification, meaning that a constant right-hand margin should not be used. How should I modify it? It's urgent.

康康 2021-09-09

I would like to ask the editor, how can I modify this format: "Please avoid full justification, i.e., do not use a constant right-hand margin."

xrcau 2021-09-09

I sent an email in the morning and received a reply in the afternoon saying that I can submit. Currently, it has been received. Just email the editor-in-chief directly through their website.

康康 2021-09-09

May I ask for an opinion from the editor? One suggestion is to please number the reference list (to verify if it adheres to the limit set by BITE, i.e., Short Communication - Max. 25; Research Article - Max. 50; Review Article - Max. 150). How can this be resolved? Thank you. It is urgently needed.

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