Verified Reviews - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一心想毕业的科研小白 2022-06-30

I also submitted to this journal recently and it has been half a month with the editor.

LFFF 2022-06-29

2022.5.7 submitted
2022.5.10 with editor
2022.6.19 under review
2022.10.10 required reviews completed
2022.10.10 decision in process
2022.10.30 minor revision
2022.11.14 submitted revised manuscript
2022.11.14 with editor
2022.11.20 under review
2022.12.2 decision in process
2022.12.18 accept!! (Congratulations! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗)

稻荷化狐 2022-06-24

I have sent it before, and he said he would handle it soon, asking you to wait. This journal used to be quite efficient, but I don't know why it has become so slow this year. I have resubmitted this manuscript four times after it was rejected, and it has been two months since then, but he still hasn't processed it.

张飞燕 2022-06-20

Hello, may I ask if you have encountered the process of "decision in processing" after 3 days of "required review completed"?

爱吃饭的饭 2022-06-19

5.09 Submission
5.10 with editor
6.19 under review

After more than a month with the editor, it finally went under review. I have been waiting so anxiously.

爱吃饭的饭 2022-06-19

It has been a month and a half with the editor. Are there any brothers who, like me, want to know what's going on?

kfk@lhx 2022-06-18

Excuse me, boss. I sent the email for repair, but the system cannot find the status of the manuscript. I don't know where to submit the revised version. Have you ever encountered this before?

kfk@lhx 2022-06-18

Excuse me, sir. The journal has sent a revised email, but the system cannot see the status of the manuscript, and I don't know where to submit it. Have you encountered this situation before?

路边喝水的青蛙 2022-06-16

Finally sent it, almost cried.
The direction is pulse signal processing, which belongs to a relatively specialized field.
First submission in October 2021.
Rejected in November 2021, asked to resubmit, received feedback from 6 reviewers.
Resubmitted on November 28, 2021.
Major revision in March 2022.
Second submission in April 2022.
Accepted in May 2022.
Published in June 2022.

QiWenxia 2022-06-16

Directly hired! Can I ask what direction it is?

江南 2022-06-14

May I ask what is your current status? I have been stuck on "required reviews completely" for a long time. I was wondering if I should send an email to ask about it.

稻荷化狐 2022-06-13

I sent three emails but didn't receive any replies. Since the last message, the tracker status hasn't changed either.

kaykay 2022-06-09

Thank you, editor. Tonight, I went directly from being an UR (under review) to being hired.

爱吃饭的饭 2022-06-08

I want to ask the original poster how long it took with the editor. It has been a month for me with the editor, but it still hasn't been reviewed.

柏杨 2022-06-07


Translation: Submitted on January 27th, rejected on June 7th. The review process was somewhat slow, and it took 6 months for a direct rejection.

GRADON 2022-06-05

No, it's just faster. Maybe the reviewer they found is more efficient.

爱吃饭的饭 2022-06-05

5.10 with editor
6.5 still with editor
Why is mine taking so long...

flye e e e 2022-06-01

5-15 submission, 5-31 finally Under Review.

youwan 2022-06-01

Hello, may I ask why you are so fast? Did someone remind you or do you know one of the editors?

flye e e e 2022-05-30

It has been half a month, and there is no response. I feel upset.

稻荷化狐 2022-05-29

Your performance was alright. In the end, I had to re-submit my draft four times in a row, which was quite inexplicable. However, due to the narrow research direction, there were really no other journals to choose from.

稻荷化狐 2022-05-27

Just to add, it has been almost 2 and a half years since I wrote this article.

稻荷化狐 2022-05-27

There is a manuscript that has been rejected and resubmitted many times. The topics of other journals are not quite suitable, or the peer review process is slow, so it was submitted to this one. The reviews were mixed with minor revisions and rejections. One time, there were feedback from 5 reviewers, 2 gave minor revisions, 1 gave major revisions, and even pointed out punctuation errors directly on the original text. However, for some reason, every time it was edited, it was rejected for resubmission without specifying the exact reasons. There was also one instance where the reviewer only suggested rephrasing certain small paragraphs, but it was not accepted. This time, through the tracker, it can be seen that only one person has accepted the review after two months, and there has been no feedback. It has been over two months since this round of submission, and there has been no sign from the editor or a reinvitation. In short, if it weren't for the fact that the research area is too specific and difficult to submit elsewhere, this general journal wouldn't have been chosen. Whether this article is accepted or rejected, this journal will not be considered for future submissions.

张飞燕 2022-05-27

after 3 days, it was under review, and now it has been under review for 11 days.

爱吃饭的饭 2022-05-26

It has been 16 days with the editor. Has it been the same for everyone else too?

妈妈咪呀 2022-05-24

At this time, you can recommend reviewers to the editor.

GRADON 2022-05-17

3.25 Submission
4.28 Major renovation
5.06 Major renovation return
5.13 Decision in process
5.16 Accept

自由飞翔1993 2022-05-16

Hello, I see that your paper took 8 months for the first review. I wanted to ask if it was difficult for you to find reviewers when your paper was initially reviewed? I have a paper that has been under review for almost 3 months, and the status hasn't changed. The editor said it's difficult to find reviewers.

自由飞翔1993 2022-05-16

Hello, I noticed that your paper took 8 months for the first review. I wanted to ask if it was difficult to find reviewers for your paper initially? I have a paper that has been under review for almost 3 months, and the status has not changed yet.

自由飞翔1993 2022-05-16

There is a paper that was rejected and resubmitted. It was submitted in January and rejected in March, with the external review process taking less than a month. Then I made all the necessary revisions and submitted it again. The paper quickly changed to "under review" status in less than a day. However, the editor mentioned that it became difficult to find reviewers after the revisions. Now, the paper has been under review for almost 80 days. In this situation, should I apply for withdrawal and submit it elsewhere?

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