Verified Reviews - Aerospace
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xianpeter 2022-10-02

8.12 Submission, 9.29 Minor repair

liuyongyb 2022-09-21

09.10投稿 - Posted on September 10th
09.14送审 - Submitted for review on September 14th

弯弯直直 2022-09-14

Submitted the manuscript on September 1st,
Reviewed on September 6th or 7th, (I thought it was going to be rejected for a while because online sources say it is usually reviewed the next day, and if it takes more than a few days, there is a high chance of rejection.)
Received comments on September 12th, major revision needed. (The review process was really fast.)

青子木 2022-06-27

The speed of manuscript review is particularly fast, and the speed of the editor's reply to emails is also very fast. They answer questions promptly and have a good attitude.

paperdog 2022-06-21

Has anyone recently submitted to this journal? I submitted at the beginning of the month and it was sent for review on June 7th. I wanted to ask about the review speed for the aerospace and space science section.

半滚倒转 2022-05-06

May I ask if the opinions of the four reviewers are good for modification?

lfy610 2022-02-19

The first review took two months, with four reviewers providing very constructive comments. The editor requested major revisions.
After making the revisions, the paper was accepted and went online within a few hours after proofreading. The editor's efficiency was very high.

学航天的男人 2022-01-03

The journal is not bad. There are only a few options for aerospace journals. It's not as unbearable as everyone says. It takes two months for the first review to come back, and the review comments are quite sharp, but overall it's still good.

yimao1989 2021-10-30

The reviewer's comments are straightforward and directly point out the pain points in the article; fortunately, the reviewer is generally satisfied with the overall content and did not pose any difficulties, only requesting the addition of some explanations as supplementary information. The review process was very fast, as the first review was received one month and four days after submission, and the revised version was accepted directly.

科研废材都重名 2021-09-10

I have submitted a total of 3 times. The first time was just a trial submission and it was rejected immediately. The second time, I submitted a serious article, and it received over 100 comments from 4 reviewers. After major revisions, it was accepted. The third time I submitted, it was rejected after review. Overall, it is no different from any other prestigious journal, as it solely depends on the quality of the article and the reviewers. Only if the article quality is good can it enter the review process, and after entering the review process, it completely depends on the reviewers. The key is that the speed is really fast. I am not very clear about the internal operations, but communication with the editorial office is very smooth, and they usually respond immediately. This year, it was included in JCR Q2 on the first attempt, and I hope it will continue to improve.

209wang 2021-07-31

Everyone says how unbearable MDPI is, but it's not necessarily true.
Aerospace entered SCIE this year, and there are more Chinese people now. Previously, it was dominated by foreign submissions.
I submitted my paper with a casual attitude towards graduation. It had two reviewers, one agreed and the other disagreed, so it was rejected.
The editor encouraged me to revise and resubmit. Then, for some reason, they added two more reviewers, who seemed knowledgeable about the field based on their comments.
After another round of revisions, my paper was accepted.
So, whether a journal is good or not doesn't solely depend on the journal itself, but mainly on the reviewers.
It's worth mentioning that the speed was indeed fast, with results being out in two weeks.

AA8514 2021-07-22

Before, when searching for MDPI journals, all I saw were criticisms, saying that they were low-quality and could be published with money. I submitted an article myself and observed several issues before and after. I felt that the quality of the source material was uneven. Some felt like they were from undergraduate students, with no charts or tables even on the last 8 or 9 pages. Some articles were lengthy, spanning over 30 pages, and included submissions from domestic and defense universities such as National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Beihang University, as well as some research institutes. There were also submissions from Tsinghua University, University of Tokyo, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and even Stanford University.

In summary, the speed is fast, the efficiency is high, but the reputation is average.

For those in difficult fields to publish articles, this is quite suitable. It is also not bad to be in the 2020 JCR Q2.

There are many options for popular field journals, some with noble "academic pursuits." There is no need to criticize these journals just because they are not top-tier. Publishing in a prestigious journal does not mean contributing more to society than a janitor, and publishing low-quality articles does not necessarily mean being despicable. Within the limits of reason and legality, just focus on doing one's own work well.

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