Verified Reviews - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

牛顿第二定律 2021-08-24

Already SCI, ah, Q2 area.

牛顿第二定律 2021-08-24

Recently, a doctoral student's paper that I brought was published on it. The overall feeling is quite good, the article itself is also innovative, and I spent money to polish it before submitting, so from submission to acceptance, it took less than three months. I received feedback from three reviewers in total, and the difficulty of revision was moderate. I added some experimental data and it was accepted smoothly. JPEPT is another professional journal in the field of petroleum, following JPSE, JNGSE, and SPE J. It is currently included in SCI and is in the Q2 zone of petroleum engineering. It should also be included in the Chinese Academy of Sciences zone by the end of this year, estimated to be in the third zone. The overall submission process is similar to JPSE, with strict review but fast processing. It is a highly regarded magazine. The drawback of SPE J is that it is too slow, and many articles lack timeliness. It takes almost a year from submission to publication, and some even longer. I have published one article in it before, but later I preferred to submit to FUEL and ENERGY. Although the latter covers various energy sources such as thermal energy and batteries, it is not a specialized petroleum journal. However, it has a high impact factor and ranking, which meets the requirements of unit evaluation.

且停亭中且停停 2021-07-20

What level is this? EI?

Vongola Vine Lessins 2021-07-12

March 10, 2021: Paper submission
March 12, 2021: Editing and registration completed
May 4, 2021: Received review comments, one major revision and one minor revision
May 6, 2021: Submitted revised manuscript + revision explanation
May 7, 2021: Paper accepted
Overall situation: 1. The paper was successfully accepted, which usually takes about 2 months; 2. It usually takes about 3 months from acceptance to publication; 3. No publication fee; 4. Impact factor of 2.077, expected to be included in SCI next year.

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