Verified Reviews - Buildings
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

白天666 2022-06-13

Hello, just submitted the manuscript and the editor sent an email asking to confirm the cost and benefits declaration for open source. May I ask when should the author submit the benefits declaration?

Temyon 2022-06-13

5.07 Submission
5.27 Major revisions (given 10 days for major revisions, but there was an additional reviewer in the middle, very strange)
6.6 Submit revisions
6.10 Accepted

小飞侠 2022-06-10

Submitted to acceptance 1.5 months later, the major revision reviewer provided over 10 modification suggestions, which were fair and very promising for the development of the journal!

小鱼儿天空油 2022-06-06

Can the original poster share their experience of submitting contributions?

healerman 2022-05-29

Not the kind of publication that churns out thousands of articles in a year like sustainability, but with great potential for the future. The time from submission to revision to acceptance is very fast, which saved me as I am about to graduate. Many thanks to the editors for their prompt processing speed of the journal.

xueshujiayou 2022-05-26

The journal has great potential, but I have been rejected a few times after submitting.

修博 2022-04-26

The journal's homepage has APC, which was 1600CHF last year and is 1800CHF this year.

松8888 2022-04-14

Hello, may I ask about the cost of publication? Thank you!

无名 2022-04-12

Excuse me, did you vote for a special edition or?

Li 2022-04-12

2022.3.9 Submission
3.22 Major revisions
4.1 Reviewer's comments returned
4.7 Accepted
4.11 Proofreading completed
4.12 Online publication
Fast review speed, professional reviewers, and responsible editors.

松8888 2022-04-11

May I ask about the price of the layout fee? Thank you.

松8888 2022-04-11

May I ask how much is the layout fee?

lilinana 2022-04-08

May I ask how much the cost is approximately?

修博 2022-03-28

2021.12.31 Submission
2022.02.06 Minor Revision
2022.02.20 Online Publication
Fast publication speed, reviewers are quite professional.

guopy 2022-03-25

3.2 Submission
3.4 Initial Review
3.11 Rework
3.21 Re-assessment

guopy 2022-03-25

2022.03.02 pending review
3.4 under review
3.11 major revisions
3.21 Revised version review

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