Verified Reviews - ACS Applied Nano Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

bill90 2023-08-08

2023.8.4 Transferred by ACS Sustainable and Chemistry
2023.8.6 Assigned duty editor T. Randall Lee
2023.8.8 Assigned associate editor Jérôme Claverie

sciscisci 2023-08-03

I am done, four reviewers, three minor revisions, one rejection. Some garbage has no opinions and just rejects. In the end, the editor rejected it and wanted to submit to Omega. How ridiculous, damn you.

八爪鱼的高跟鞋 2023-07-03

How long does it take for you to do the typesetting after receiving it? It has been two weeks since I received it, and I haven't received any further updates after confirming the agreement.

Jia Kang 2023-07-01

Excuse me, teacher, how much is the cost for proofreading?

糖水水水水 2023-06-30

My situation is similar to yours. I transferred from AMI and then submitted for review. After the editing and submission, there were three reviewers: one minor revision, one major revision, and one rejection. There were many issues, and the editor gave a rejection. Then the boss wrote a rebuttal letter in response. The editor gave a chance to resubmit the rejected paper within 180 days and also provided new title suggestions. After three months of revision, it was resubmitted, but the reviewers still stubbornly rejected it, and their responses were very rude. The editor eventually gave the final rejection, which was quite infuriating and wasted a lot of time.

scaufelix 2023-06-30

5.26 submit
6.03 in peer review (Editor: Monica Cotta)
6.20 major revision (Three reviewers, 15 questions)
6.26 submit
6.27 in peer review
6.29 accept

毒药 2023-06-30

Re-submission on June 6th. The editor rejected the initial submission but suggested a re-submission. The editor was quite helpful, providing 11 suggestions and a new title. The re-submission took 180 days, with 40-50 days spent on revisions. It was delayed a few days due to some issues on May 1st.

毒药 2023-06-30

On March 18, I switched from AMI.
On March 23, the distribution editor sent it for review.
On April 14, the editor gave a rejection and requested a resubmission. The first revision included a referenced article, the second revision included major changes and a referenced article, the third revision was a major revision, and the fourth rejection provided no comments, just rejection. The fifth revision was made.
On June 6th, it was resubmitted.
On June 28th, the resubmission was rejected. On the 2nd, they agreed to publish it, but on the 3rd, they advised against publishing and provided 10 suggestions, in addition to the 5 previous ones, claiming that the previous modifications were incorrect and it seemed like a malicious rejection. On the 5th, they agreed to publish it. The editor rejected it.
To be honest, it wasted a lot of time, especially with two reviewers. On the 4th, they rejected it without providing any comments, and on the 3rd, they rejected the second major revision, which confused me. I won't submit to ACS anymore, I will switch to another publishing company.

雅俗 2023-06-27

How much does the layout fee of this magazine cost?

mingming2021 2023-06-25

Currently, if=5.97.

回家乘客喝茶 2023-06-24

Definitely broke 6, as of now it's 5.891.

哈哈哈咯 2023-06-24

When revising, simply fill in the funding section directly.

屁屁乐 2023-06-21

May I ask how you handle reporting all funds and fund numbers in the Open Funder Registry tool in ACS Paragon Plus during the revision process? I couldn't find the Open Funder Registry tool on the provided website for editing.

屁屁乐 2023-06-21

May I ask how you handle reporting all funds and fund numbers when making revisions? I can't find the open funder registry tool on the provided website for ACS Paragon Plus.

屁屁乐 2023-06-21

May I ask how you handle the reporting of all funds and fund numbers on the Open Funder Registry tool in ACS Paragon Plus when resubmitting? I couldn't find the Open Funder Registry tool on the website provided for editing.

哈哈哈咯 2023-06-18

The impact factor has slightly decreased, probably around 5.6. Can it maintain its position in the second quartile this year?

Yao eric 2023-06-12

The speed and efficiency of the journal review process, including subsequent handling, are very fast. The timeline for the submission process is as follows:

April 2, 2023: Submission
April 4, 2023: Assigned to Editor
Received reviewer comments and required major revisions around April 15
May 15, 2023: Acceptance
May 26, 2023: Online publication

houbier 2023-06-10

Submitted in early April, assigned to an editor a few days later, received reviewer comments after about a month. Three reviewers suggested major revisions, which took more than 20 days to complete because I was busy and procrastinated until close to the deadline. The editor replied a few days later, expressing satisfaction with the revisions. After formatting changes, it was accepted in early June.

I hope ACS ANM continues to improve and IF increases, eventually becoming a top journal. I also hope to benefit from this success (#^.^#)


I noticed that there are very few discussions about the time period from acceptance to online publication. In my case, it was accepted on June 9th and published online on July 5th, taking about 20 days due to proofreading revisions.

玄武盾 2023-05-25

3.11 submitted
3.14 editor
3.15 in peer review
3.27 Two major revisions, one minor revision and one rejection, the editor provided the rejection, but suggested resubmission.
5.22 resubmission
5.24 accepted

杰尼龟 2023-05-17

3.28 Submitted
4.05 In peer review
4.21 Major revision. Three reviewers, two major revisions and one minor revision, the questions are very professional. Referee1 asked in-depth questions about the mechanism; Referee2 requested three additional experiments, which took a long time to process. They also raised grammar issues; Referee3 had positive comments and also raised grammar issues. Editor Prof. Limin Qi suggested proofreading. Proofreading took four days.
5.07 Received reviewer's comments
5.14 Minor revision. Modified TOC image
5.16 Received reviewer's comments
5.17 Accepted

Mingbo Sun 2023-05-15

3.29 From Langmuir's recommendation, it only took two days to enter the external review stage.
4.20 Received major revisions, with one minor revision and three major revisions (the first two reviewers gave high praise and positive feedback, while the latter two mainly provided suggestions for experimental supplementation and modification). On average, each reviewer had eight questions, and we had to conduct four or five additional experiments, which consumed a lot of time.
Editor Prof. Yanli Zhao was very responsible and also provided better title suggestions.
Due to language issues, the overall changes were significant, and almost the entire paper was polished. The experimental section was also greatly enriched. In the end, we were pressed for time.
Submitted at 5:00 am on May 11th, and to our surprise, we received efficient processing and affirmation.
At 11:00 am on May 11th, we already received an intention to accept, and after making some formatting changes, the paper was accepted the same day.
Finally, this is my first SCI paper, and it coincided with my graduation. I am grateful for the thorough review and suggestions from the editor and reviewers. Although the revisions were challenging, the overall quality of the article greatly exceeded my expectations, and I am very satisfied!

Photoelectrics 2023-04-26

Excuse me, did you submit the AMI for review? Lately, the AMI is not being sent for review. They say the article lacks practical applications and leans towards material synthesis, so they all requested to transfer it to this journal. ?

张三tg_0214 2023-04-26

I was rejected when I submitted my paper to ACS AMI, so I resubmitted it. I submitted it on February 4th and received reviewer comments on February 27th. There were four minor revisions requested. I really dislike having to deal with four reviewers, and the editor also provided suggestions. I had to spend 2400 RMB on English proofreading. I completed the revisions in three weeks. I replied with a responding letter on March 20th. The editor replied on March 28th, stating that all the reviewers agreed to accept the paper, but the editor requested further modifications based on the responding letter. On April 8th, I replied with a second round of responding letter and the revised full text. It was accepted on April 19th and published online.

You can tell that the editor's requirements are quite high, as the editors at ACS are professors from renowned universities in the United States and around the world. It's just that going through all this trouble, why not collect more data and submit to a better journal?

Well, let's consider it as an investment. Hopefully, the impact factor will increase in the future.

sijigongzi 2023-04-26

Can we reach 7 this year?

Mengxh 2023-04-25

I had previously revised it elsewhere, but the editor still felt it wasn't good enough and recommended polishing it with him. The main reason is that with the official polishing recommended by him, I can obtain a certificate, just like a "get out of jail free" card.

Porous Powder 2023-04-25

ACS Author Service has always been there, it is the official platform used by the American Chemical Society to refine language, not specific to any particular journal. It can be said that this journal has relatively high requirements for English writing.

Porous Powder 2023-04-25

I found on the mini program that the real-time impact factor of nanoscale is 5.9... This year, the impact factor is estimated to decline, and ACS's impact factor is also expected to decline. Fortunately, the partition is still acceptable.

Porous Powder 2023-04-25

On the mini-program, it was found that the real-time impact factor of nanoscale is 5.9... This year, I'm afraid the impact factor will also fall. Fortunately, the partition is still relatively high, all in the second zone.

Porous Powder 2023-04-25

I found on the mini-program that the real-time impact factor of Nanoscale is 5.9... I'm afraid the impact factor for this year will also drop. Fortunately, it is still in a relatively high category, all in the second quartile.

-Burger- 2023-04-24

I was also recommended the official proofreading website by the editor. May I ask if I will be rejected if I don't go there for proofreading?

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