Verified Reviews - Sustainable Production and Consumption
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

河自漫漫景自端 2021-03-04

I strongly agree with your comments. I feel that there is great potential. The reviewer's feedback is also very objective and detailed.

Zora 2021-03-03

May I ask what is the current status of your article?

盛盛是丽莹呀 2021-01-22

2020.10.20 submitted to journal
2020.10.21 with editor
2020.10.23 under review
2020.11.9 under review
2020.11.13 under review
2020.11.23 under review
2020.12.3 under review
2021.1.7 under review
2021.1.8 under review
2021.1.13 under review
No results yet, some of the commenters got accepted after two months, but it has already been three months for me. Feeling like the chances are slim. It's so difficult!!!

狮子歌歌 2021-01-21

It has been over 20 days since submission, but the status remains "under review" and the date has changed 5 times.

麦琪123 2021-01-21

The text translates to: "Submitted on November 16th, status updated to under review on December 3rd. Until now, there have been no further updates. May I ask what the reason is?"

狮子歌歌 2021-01-21

What happened that the status has changed 5 times from under review since last year on the 29th?

景命重熙 2021-01-12

Posted on November 9, 2020
Reviewed and revised on December 2, 2020, returned for major revisions on the 10th
Reviewed and revised on December 22, 2020, returned for minor revisions on the 27th
Accepted on January 5, 2021
The efficiency is quite high, taking less than two months in total. As a reviewer for this journal, the review period given by the editor is 21 days, unlike other journals which usually take a month.
Just included in JCR, double indexed, SSCI Q1, SCI Q2, and included in the third zone of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Overall, the fields of environmental and supply chain are highly recommended.

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