Verified Reviews - Surfaces and Interfaces
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

雾的风景 2022-01-01

Posted on September 13th,
Returned for major repairs on November 27th,
Revised on December 18th,
Accepted on December 30th.

Lucqing 2021-12-22

You can still do it, I'm about to cry. It has been almost 4 months and it's still under review. o(╥﹏╥)o

acdfhb 2021-12-14

2021.10.22 submitted
2021.10.24 with editor
2021.10.30 under review
2021.11.15 Required Reviews Completed
2021.12.11 Revision submitted
2021.12.13 Accepted

This journal is relatively new, with an impact factor that has grown by nearly 5 over the past two years. It has a promising future.

missaka 2021-12-07

Excuse me, where can I download the reference style EndNote format for this journal? Thank you for your help, bro.

老同志 2021-11-19

May I ask how many reviewers are there? It has been two months since submission, and the status has been changing from "under review". I am getting anxious, should I remind them to review the manuscript?

吃吃吃汉堡 2021-10-21

The review process took 3 months, and after minor revisions for 21 days, it was directly accepted, which is considered fast.

阿朱 2021-10-15

Invested at the end of August, it was a special issue at the time, and it was submitted for review the next day. However, there has been no result so far...

Pacemak1r 2021-08-09

How can I submit the graphical abstract and highlights for this journal? I didn't see this option, but I would like to submit them.

Pacemak1r 2021-08-09

Hello, I am submitting to this journal, but I don't see the option to submit the graphical abstract and highlights. However, I would like to submit them.

doubleelves 2021-07-19

After submission, it took a whole four months to be accepted, with two minor revisions in between. I feel that the journal's speed is a bit slow!

lsx20131120a 2021-07-15

Ah, I reviewed a paper. I'm speechless. It was terribly written and the experiments were also very poor. How did it even get submitted and reviewed?
Reviewing papers can be a great learning experience, but with this journal, there's nothing to gain. It's just a waste of time.

催化毛小豆 2021-06-16

I submitted my manuscript in October last year, but I haven't received any feedback on the review comments yet. I sent an email to remind them, and they said only one reviewer has provided feedback, while the others have not responded yet. It has been almost a month since I sent the reminder, but the status hasn't changed. I hope Surfaces and Interfaces can expedite the process. I am almost graduating...

redrose1314 2021-05-19

My paper was directly rejected after submission. They sent a checklist for me to revise and check for plagiarism, and after making formatting changes, I resubmitted it. However, it was still rejected, and even the rejection letter was exactly the same. I don't understand where the problem lies anymore. Do you know the specific requirements for submitting to this journal? Can we discuss it in detail?

醇色9 2021-05-14

Submitted at the end of December 2020, I anxiously waited for the first-round comments until April 2021. Four reviewers provided more than ten opinions, but the problems were manageable and not too difficult. It was accepted in May. The impact factor is promising, but the process was too slow, which was a bit frustrating.

魔法少女郭德纲 2021-05-13

Although it is a new publication, as a reviewer for journals, the biggest feeling is that the quality of the submissions is abysmal... At the very least, it is a second-tier journal, yet they dare to submit such garbage...

记录投稿经历 2021-04-28

Last year on December 25th, I submitted my paper, and it was under review by the 28th.
After three months with no response, I sent a reminder. They informed me that none of the three reviewers had provided any feedback, and they were all overdue. The editor then sent a new set of reviewers.
After 20 days, I contacted customer service and found out that none of the new reviewers had accepted the review.
In total, it has been four months. It's as if they haven't been able to find any reviewers.
As someone working in the field of electrochemistry, all I can say is... this is the least efficient journal I have ever encountered in my research career...

木易HIT 2021-04-19

It has been a month and it still hasn't been reviewed, indeed quite slow.

催化毛小豆 2021-03-28

I made a mistake. There was one fake death incident on March 12th. There is still no news currently.

催化毛小豆 2021-03-28


Translation: I submitted my application to ASS, but had already done so before. In May, my status was rejected once. Currently, I am still waiting, and it's taking forever.

小白du 2021-03-17

It has been 2 months, and there has been no response. Worried about graduation, please be cautious.

小王的科研之路 2021-03-07

The original text translates to: "The original poster is probably the luckiest one. It has been almost four months since my first trial and still no news..."

丫丫 2021-03-06

Want to know if this journal is SCI?

小青椒姐姐 2021-03-06

2020.12.4 submitted
2021.1.12 major revision
2021.2.10 resubmitted
2021.3.5 accept
The initial review and R1 both took about a month to receive a decision.
The reviewers' comments were very professional and sharp, with the initial review receiving a 16-page, 6000-word response, and R1 being accepted directly.
As a new journal, SURFIN maintains good quality control of articles, and we hope that its impact factor continues to rise in the future.

记录投稿经历 2021-03-05

Why doesn't the person upstairs urge for the manuscript?
Even if they have urged, there is still no response...

dfbbdb 2021-03-03

The text translates to: "It changed once in mid-November, and there have been no updates since then. How many times have you changed?"

你好老弟 2021-03-03

Where have you been all this time? I submitted it for review last October and the status hasn't changed since then.

记录投稿经历 2021-02-25

2020 12 25 Posted
2020 12 28 under review
Until today, it is still under review, and the crucial thing is that the dates have not changed at all...

小王的科研之路 2021-02-25

My review has been going on for almost three months now, and it should be with the fourth reviewer by now. I would like to ask the original poster, how many times has the Under Review date changed?

dfbbdb 2021-02-25

This journal is too slow. It has been under review for four months. How long did it take for everyone else?

小白du 2021-02-22

It has been over a month since submission, and there have been many changes in the status of "under review". I hope to receive some news as soon as possible.

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