Verified Reviews - Journal of Environmental Sciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

chr2012 2023-07-27

20230322 submit to journal - Submitted to the journal on March 22, 2023.
20230326 with editor - Under review by the editor on March 26, 2023.
20230405 under review - Currently being reviewed on April 5, 2023.
20230607 major revision - Requires major revisions by June 7, 2023.
20230615 resubmit - Resubmitted on June 15, 2023.
20230616 under review - Under review again on June 16, 2023.
20230702 minor revision - Requires minor revisions by July 2, 2023.
20230705 resubmit - Resubmitted on July 5, 2023.
20230725 accept - Accepted on July 25, 2023.

zyzyzyzyzy 2023-05-21

Is there a page fee?

q825944895 2023-05-05

20230303 Submit to journal
20230328 Major Revision
20230425 Resubmit
20230502 Minor Revision
20230504 Resubmit
20230505 Accept

20230303: Submit to journal
20230328: Major Revision
20230425: Resubmit
20230502: Minor Revision
20230504: Resubmit
20230505: Accept

小花不是笑话 2023-04-22

This journal is indeed not very good.

xyleiting 2023-03-09

Really trash magazine, took three months to review, found a reviewer, who gave a very positive evaluation and raised three minor issues. The first issue suggested using abbreviated names for organic compounds, the second issue advised to streamline the results description section, and the third issue questioned the difference between quantile regression and logistic regression. Then, the editor rejected it without giving any reasons, a waste of time.

poiuyttttt 2023-02-08

Has there been any changes now? I also received a decision in process after submitting for a few days.

Jackiiiie 2023-01-29

Did the editor take a vacation? Is there any change now?

rainnnnnnn 2023-01-26

The editor seems irresponsible, and I doubt their standards for accepting manuscripts. Avoid it.

小王同学被注册了 2022-12-06

Gave some suggestions, worth considering. Change to another journal.

小王同学被注册了 2022-12-06

After a two-month review process, it was ultimately rejected... Maybe the content wasn't good enough.

shay123 2022-08-10

May I ask if I need to typeset the manuscript for submission to this journal?

君君发sci 2022-08-06

Only after acceptance, the page fee of approximately 350 yuan per page will be charged.

小莫德里奇 2022-06-19

May I ask how much is the JES layout fee per page?

小花不是笑话 2022-06-01

This journal requires page fees, but there is no indication on the journal's homepage or submission process!! It is simply blatant fraud.

小花不是笑话 2022-04-23

In addition, the editorial office of this journal rests on weekends, so please try to submit your work on weekdays.

小花不是笑话 2022-04-12

Speed is moderate, has been under review for 4 months.
Editing skills are average (specifically referring to Yang Xin, seems to be from a Japanese school). They don't really read the review comments or the manuscript, just working on the assembly line. Can they still be considered an editor?

zby123 2022-04-06

Just received the review comments today.

随水幽云 2022-04-04

Hello, have you received the reviewer's comments on your article? I'm also preparing to submit to JES.

zby123 2022-04-01

How long does the review process take? I still want to graduate as soon as possible. ?

君君发sci 2022-03-31

After acceptance, the page fee will be charged, approximately 350 yuan per page.

zby123 2022-03-18

Is it necessary to pay in order to have the manuscript reviewed for this magazine? Will the communication author receive a faster response after receiving the payment email? It has been a week and my submission is still not under review.

IWantMoreAcceptedPapers 2022-02-24

Does the journal charge fees? The publishing options state that they cannot be selected during submission. "If your manuscript is accepted, you will then be able to select your publishing option/view the APC post acceptance."

lsx20131120a 2022-02-14

The Guide for Authors did not mention the issue of page fees... Is there anyone else who can talk about it?

LITUANTUAN 2021-12-14

Hello, may I ask which reviewer you have chosen?

言上 2021-11-12

Hello, I feel that the journal's review process is quite fast based on the comments section, but there aren't many posts about personal experiences. May I ask if there is a page charge for this?

小小白啊 2021-09-10

Hello, do I have to pay for everything? Or can I choose non-OA and not pay? Is the fee rate more than 600 yuan per page?

李先生 2021-08-10

How long does it take for you to send out the edited version after submitting your contribution? Please share the detailed review time.

李先生 2021-08-10

Hello, can you please share the detailed review timeline?

weiyi 111 2021-08-07

Collecting layout fees, ten pages in total, a little over six thousand.

墙头不多 2021-06-03

May I ask if you need to pay a page fee? Is this not an open-access journal? Why do we have to pay a page fee?

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