Verified Reviews - Composites Communications
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

MYC 2021-07-01

The latest official IF for 2021 is 6.617. Wishing you all the best!

烦躁 2021-06-28

So slow, it has been 20 days in the hands of the editor and it hasn't been sent for review yet.

烦躁 2021-06-25

It has been nearly 20 days since it was handed to the editor, but it has not been submitted for review yet.

Colin 2021-06-12

Mar 16, 2021 Submitted
Apr 12, 2021 Minor revision
Apr 29, 2021 Submitted, under review
Jun 05, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Jun 11, 2021 Accept

Mar 16, 2021 Submitted
Apr 12, 2021 Minor revision
Apr 29, 2021 Submitted, under review
Jun 05, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Jun 11, 2021 Accept

瓜大瓜瓜 2021-04-30

It has been almost three weeks, and it is still submitted to the journal.

zhanxi 2021-04-29

Mar 10, submitted
Mar 11, with editor
Apr 02, under review
Apr 19, major revision
Apr 25, revision submitted
Apr 29, accept
The journal is fast, hoping for continuous improvement!

瓜大瓜瓜 2021-04-18

This journal is really slow now. It has been more than a week and it is still submitted to the journal.

作者昵称 2021-04-14

After submission, I was quickly asked to change the length. After making the changes as requested, I was still asked to change the length. Later, I added and deleted some data content and selected an overseeing editor. After submitting, the status remained "submitted to journal" for over three weeks. Then, it changed to "with editor" for two weeks before being directly rejected with review comments. They said it lacked attractiveness and had a rejection rate of over 75%. The manuscript was handled very quickly a few days ago, but now the process is extremely slow. It took almost two months to receive this simple standard reply. Everyone should be cautious when trying the new journal.

碳碳谈谈 2021-03-31

3.11 Submission
3.20 Allocation editing. It has not been sent for review yet. This journal is a bit slow.

作者昵称 2021-03-25

After submitting, I was quickly asked to change the length. Later, after making the changes as requested, with 4 figures and 1 table, the word count was kept within 2500 words. However, I was still asked to change the length. Eventually, I made some content cuts and modifications, choosing an overseeing editor. Currently, it has been over a week since it was submitted to the Journal. Previously, the submission process was very fast, but I don't know why it has been stuck in this state for so long. I saw that some others in the same process were rejected, so I am currently very anxious. I don't know if any experts know what the length requirement for this article should be.

Letitbe 21 2021-03-23

How long did it take for the original poster to start distributing the edits? It's been many days for me too, and it's still "Submitted to Journal". I'm very anxious. Sigh.

Letitbe 21 2021-03-23

Brother, how long have you been rejected? I am in a similar situation as you. It has been four days since I resubmitted, but it is still "Submitted to Journal" with no updates. I am very anxious.

001s 2021-03-19

2020.8.10 submit to journal - Submitted to the journal on August 10, 2020.
2020.8.14 under review - Under review since August 14, 2020.
2020.9.1 minor revision - Minor revision requested on September 1, 2020.
2020.9.18 revision submit - Revision submitted on September 18, 2020.
2020.9.20 accept - Accepted on September 20, 2020.
后边由于自己原因10月19才online - Due to personal reasons, it was not published online until October 19.

Helen01 2021-03-19

At first, it was said that the text was too long, so it was revised and submitted again. After the reduction, Professor Liu Tianxi was chosen, but for some reason, it was sent to Professor Zhou Liming. Then it was said that the quality of the article did not meet the requirements and it was rejected without being reviewed. Fortunately, the process was fast.

辣鸡小邓博 2021-03-18

Mar 17, 2021, reject, questioned lack of innovation.

辣鸡小邓博 2021-03-14

Feb 21, 2021. Submitted to the journal, and the next day it was already under review;
Feb 22, 2021. Still under review, it has been 3 weeks now and the status hasn't changed. Feeling anxious, hoping for a positive outcome.

zhanxi 2021-03-12

No, my Word document with a length of 15 pages has not been rejected.

林晴 2021-03-12

Oliver, hello. The short communication I submitted to Composites Communications has been rejected three times. They keep saying that my submission does not meet their length requirements. I have already reduced the Word version to 8 pages. Do you happen to know what aspect of my submission is problematic? Thank you very much.

Rose Yan 2021-03-11

Last year, the first time I submitted to IF, it was really beautiful. However, it is really difficult to submit to domestic SCI journals. It takes at least 2 weeks for the status to change after submitting to the journal. It takes another 2 weeks for the status to change to "with editor", and some papers are rejected while others are still awaiting a decision. It's better to submit to internationally renowned journals with stronger inclusiveness.

Oliver 2021-03-06

1.13 submitted
1.15 under review
2.12 major
3.04 returned
3.05 accepted
Very efficient! Thanks to Editor Liu Tianxi!

泰山学人 2021-02-24

What happened? OP.

催化毛小豆 2021-01-14

Speed up and submit, review comments, accept, all within less than a month. Online in three days after. Wishing Coco to break 6 figures in June IF, keep it up!

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