Verified Reviews - Bioactive Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

固执的北极熊 2023-07-06

Just received a paper on intestinal organ-on-a-chip and its biological applications. The paper was initially rejected after major revisions by AM, but then accepted by BAM in less than three months. The specific review status is as follows:

2023.4.7 submit
2023.4.7 under review on the same day
2023.4.13, 4.20, 4.28, 5.5 change dates, status still under review
2023.5.25 required review completed
2023.5.28 major revision (four reviewers, three positive and one neutral)
2023.6.11 revision submitted, under review on the same day
2023.7.1 accept

阿斯顿飞规就 2023-05-09

Posted on 05.02, it has been a week and it still shows "submitted to journal." Too slow, it hasn't even reached the editor yet. The efficiency is too low!

NIHAO MAMA 2023-04-22

2023.04.21 Submission
2023.0419 with editor
Coating for medical urinary catheters, hoping for review.

Xiaokang Na 2023-04-19

2023.04.18 Submitted
2023.04.19 with editor
Bone repair coating, hoping for review

氦酚素 2022-09-10

Do you have a link to the article? I'm very interested.

呼呼的快乐 2022-08-23

May I ask how long will it take for your submission to be reviewed?

shpumm 2022-08-19

Request for additional animal experiments has been denied.

能饮一杯无 2022-08-06

The recent publications in this journal in the relevant field have generally shown novelty and average quality. I submitted two works that I considered to be good, but both were rejected without review and with a template rejection notice. It inevitably raises suspicions whether only manuscripts from insiders are being reviewed.

shpumm 2022-07-25

Update, 20220724 under review.

shpumm 2022-07-19

20220613, Submission
20220614, With editor
It has been over a month with the editor, and it has been a week since I sent a reminder email, but there is no update on the status yet.


From submission to acceptance took exactly two months, with two rounds of peer review. In the first round, there were five reviewers, each with an average of seven to eight questions. In the second round, one reviewer had two minor questions, but after a quick response, the paper was accepted. The review process was quite strict, but it greatly benefited the improvement of the article's quality. Looking forward to breaking the 20-point mark this year!!!

FeelGoodInc 2022-03-16

2022.01.21 Submission
2022.01.22 It was immediately sent for review
2022.02.09 First round of comments returned (four reviewers, one of whom provided 18 comments, but overall evaluation was favorable, so major revisions were requested by the editor)
2022.02.24 First revised draft returned
2022.03.15 Second round of comments returned (one small issue raised by the fourth reviewer, minor revisions requested by the editor)
2022.03.16 Second revised draft returned
2022.03.16 Received in the afternoon after being sent in the morning
The second article submission process went relatively smoothly, taking less than two months! The comments provided by the reviewers were valuable and improved the quality of the article. The journal's efficiency was high. Finally, I wish everyone a successful submission.

thermofish 2022-01-22

I want to know how many reviewers there are.

发现新大陆 2022-01-20

2022.12.1 Submission
2022.12.19 Major revision
2022.1.12 Second submission
2022.1.19 Acceptance
The efficiency is quite high! The quality of the journal is also improving!

haizeilan 2022-01-17

After submission, is it necessary for all authors to confirm their email before proceeding to review, or is it sufficient to confirm before receiving the submission?

小贩 2022-01-07

It took about half a year, and it was difficult to get the magazine published. It went through major revisions twice and minor revisions once. Mentally and physically exhausted, only those who have truly experienced such pain understand how hard it was to achieve.

顺子 2021-12-25

People's Feelings Magazine, before submitting, it is advisable to have someone in the circle review the article. By attaching a name to it, there is a possibility of getting it published.

Zz1995 2021-12-24

Did you finally receive it?

浪里个浪 2021-12-13

12.10 submitted to journal: This means that something was submitted to a journal on October 12th.
12.11 with editor: This means that something is currently with the editor on November 11th.

Zz1995 2021-11-25

Which day is it going to be reviewed?

Zz1995 2021-11-25

"Have you received it?"

Luke 2021-11-02


21.08.26 Submission,
8.27 With editor,
8.29 Under review,
9.10 Major revision,
10.20 Revision submitted to journal,
10.21 Under review,
11.2 Accepted

吃树好吃 2021-10-27

How long does the review process take? How long does it usually take to get the result?

11799 2021-09-30

The editors and reviewers are very professional, and their suggestions are constructive. Overall, they are quite gentle, and the speed is fast. Support!

gy0527 2021-09-29

Already submitted, it has been 7 days and still "With Editor".

Y先生 2021-09-18

From submission to initial revision to acceptance, it took approximately 3 months:
Submitted on 6.12 and immediately under review;
Major revisions on 7.13;
Revised and resubmitted on 8.26;
Under review again on 8.27;
Accepted on 9.16.
Hope this helps everyone understand the process.

小凡 2021-09-16

Exhausted both mentally and physically. All thoughts and actions are the result of past causes, and everything experienced in the present is the outcome.

Y先生 2021-08-23

We need more reviewers.

雪后等你 2021-08-23

It has been 3 months since submission, and it has been under review the entire time. It's too slow.

滥余充数 2021-08-09

7.31 submission
8.1 with editor and under review on the same day.

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