Verified Reviews - Energy Storage Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

langezi1216 2021-12-14

I also encountered "required reviews completed" twice. It has been exactly a month since submission, and yesterday it was updated once again as "required reviews completed". I am not sure about the situation, but I am looking forward to it.

弄潮儿 2021-12-02

My first review feedback came back with two instances of "required reviews completed," with an approximately two-week gap in between. It seems like there was no "under review" status displayed. As for EnSM, if it goes for review, the reviewing speed is still quite fast. Overall, I am satisfied with the speed. It is possible that your submission status was not updated recently, so please be patient and wait. Good luck!

ennlemon 2021-12-01

Is it always with the editor before the ESM review comments come down? It has been two weeks since submission, and it is still in this state.

langezi1216 2021-11-22

May I ask how your article is coming along? It's been a while since you received the review comments.

xinhwu 2021-11-16

Hello, how long does it take for you to review the manuscript? It's been 40 days for me and I haven't received any feedback. Is it always this slow?

科研搬砖工 2021-10-31

May I ask what your submission number is? Mine has been with the editor for 38 days.

_Wang_ 2021-10-30

May I ask what is your submission sequence number? Mine has been with the editor all along.

_Wang_ 2021-10-29

Can you please provide the submission number for easier communication?

科研搬砖工 2021-10-29

It has been nearly 40 days and I am still with the editor.

zp435761201 2021-10-28

Soon, feedback on the manuscript will be given within 3 weeks.

There will be 2 minor revisions.

A response will be provided after one week, and acceptance will be confirmed within 10 days.

_Wang_ 2021-10-28

It has been nearly 20 days with the editor, and there is still no news...

开心巧克丽 2021-10-26

How are you doing? The editor is anxiously waiting.

科研搬砖工 2021-10-25

It has been over a month since I submitted, and I am still in the process of reviewing with the editor.

acdfhb 2021-10-08

A review paper
Submitted on August 20, 2021
Review completed on September 21, 2021
Resubmitted on October 3, 2021
Accepted on October 7, 2021

Three reviewers, two positive responses, one neutral.
Blind review, the manuscript sent to reviewers without any information on the author or affiliation. Fair and impartial, thumbs up for blind review.

Leve 2021-09-13

This is really slow recently... My required reviewers have been completed for almost a week, but there is still no update.

2021迷茫小飞 2021-09-07

Me too, it has been over a month since my 8.5 with the editor turned into "required reviews completed," but I still haven't received any results.

HMM# 2021-09-06

Yes, my 21 days are still with the editor.

mingziweizhi 2021-09-04

It has been more than ten days and it is still with the editor. This is too slow. If it is not sent for review, please reject it quickly. It's too time-consuming.

energy storage 2021-09-04

May I ask if a review proposal is required for submitting a comprehensive overview to EnSM? Or can I submit it directly?

Leve 2021-09-03

Sent, it took nearly 20 days to deliver.

Dr. Qiulong Li 2021-08-26

2021.6.21 Submission to Journal
2021.6.22 With Editor
2021.6.23 Under Review
2021.7.7 Required Reviews Completed
2021.7.9 Major Revision
2021.8.10 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.8.11 With Editor
2021.8.12 Under Review
2021.8.17 Required Review Completed
2021.8.24 Accept
2021.8.25 Online

During the revision phase, I was very busy and it took me a lot of time. Actually, the speed of EnSM is already very fast compared to other journals. This is my third EnSM paper, congratulations to EnSM for achieving an impact factor of 17.789. I also wish the journal continued success and development!

HMM# 2021-08-26

Hello, have you submitted it for review? I haven't received any updates for half a month either.

Leve 2021-08-19

It has been two weeks already, still with the editor, and I don't know if it has been sent for review yet. This speed is a bit slow. It's still with the editor before receiving the reviewer's comments.

Leve 2021-08-19

Classmate, were you "with editor" all the time before the completion of the first round of required reviews?

阿允 2021-08-02

Jul 04, 2021_Initial Date Submitted
Jul 04, 2021_With Editor
Jul 05, 2021_With Editor
Jul 12, 2021_Reject


Jul 04, 2021_Initial Date Submitted
Jul 04, 2021_With Editor
Jul 05, 2021_With Editor
Jul 12, 2021_Reject

wunicheng 2021-07-27

The editing process is quite fast, but I made more changes slowly. It went through two rounds of revisions.

Jasperchem 2021-05-02

2021.05.01 Accepted
Thank you very much to the editors and three reviewers at EnSM for their efficient and professional work! It only took 37 days from submission to acceptance, which was undoubtedly a great help to a graduating student in urgent need of an article. Wishing EnSM continued success!

Jasperchem 2021-04-30

Master's year three, urgently need an SCI paper for graduation this year, with less than three months left. Decided to submit to EnSM.

March 12, 2021: Started writing the article.
March 19, 2021: Finished writing and sent it to the advisor for review.
March 25, 2021: Submitted the article.
April 12, 2021: Received reviewer comments from three reviewers, a total of 15 questions/suggestions. Editor requested major revisions.
April 23, 2021: Submitted the revised article and replied to the reviewer comments.
Currently still anxiously waiting.

杨大哥 2021-04-22

2021.02.25 Submission
2021.02.28 With editor
2021.03.22 Required reviews completed
2021.03.22 First review comments received
2021.04.13 Reply to comments uploaded
2021.04.22 Required reviews completed
2021.04.22 Accept

Zues 2021-04-02

Double-blind mode, fair comparison, large amount of information in the article, solid work.
The first review was rejected after 2 months, and the second review only took 10 days, but it took half a month in editing.
In short, the speed of the review still depends on luck.

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