Verified Reviews - Energy Storage Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

唐古拉 2022-09-15

7.25 submission; 7.31 under review, there have been 45 fields so far; does anyone know what the situation is?

小浩 2022-08-26

Double-blind review mode, I really support it. After all, in the era of face recognition, it is great to have such innovation. Good work should be recognized. Keep it up!

Jing1! 2022-07-20

Is there any news recently? My RRC status has been almost two weeks already. Why is it so slow recently?

Kjunbao 2022-07-04

The editor is very efficient, and the processing speed is very fast. On the second day, it will be with the editor, and on the third day, it will be under review.

本站唯一昵称 2022-07-04

7.2 Finally accepted.
After the first review, four reviewers completed three rounds of revisions. The last one agreed to a re-review but has not responded since. After waiting for approximately two weeks, the editor directly accepted it. Thanks to Guangmin Zhou for giving me this opportunity, which was like a lifeline to me. I hope to improve more and more in the future!

山风爱学习 2022-06-28

Delivered on April 29th
Submitted for review on May 19th
Received reviewer comments on May 30th
Returned revised manuscript on June 12th
Accepted on June 23rd

Hope the journal continues to improve~

wydhfut 2022-06-21

Boss, can you provide me with the DOI number of your article?

各种电池 2022-06-20

Received, thank you guys for the opportunity.

解脱qqq 2022-06-18

I have confirmed with all the authors on my side, it has been four days, and there is no movement.

minmin 2022-06-18

What is the matter with the submission that has been a week since everyone submitted it to the journal? Do all authors need to click on the email to confirm the collaboration?

本站唯一昵称 2022-06-15

2022.06.15 revised MS upload
Reply to the suggested modifications, with 7000+ words, added a lot of data and experiments, hoping for smooth progress.

嘻嘻嘻哈哈哈-111 2022-06-07

May I ask how long it took for you to receive a response after submitting your article?

嘻嘻嘻哈哈哈-111 2022-06-07

May I ask how long it takes for us to reply to you?

一年两篇一区 2022-06-07

The performance and highlights do not meet the requirements of the journal.

嘻嘻嘻哈哈哈-111 2022-06-04

How long does it take for you to review it?

各种电池 2022-05-28

The modifications have been made, and the three reviewers are still quite friendly.

woden 2022-05-25

For jobs that require pure calculations, I also work purely on battery calculations. Let's see if you can pass the test, and if you do, you can try it next time as well.

energy storage 2022-05-22

May I ask if your summary submission is directly submitting the full text, or is it submitting a proposal first and then submitting the full text after the editor's approval?

本站唯一昵称 2022-05-21

On 5.20, the editor responded with the review comments, requesting major revisions within a 2-month deadline. There were four reviewers in total: two suggested minor revisions, one recommended submitting to another journal, and the last one suggested addressing some issues, which also counted as major revisions. In total, there were nearly 20 questions from the four reviewers. I will now diligently make the necessary revisions and appreciate the opportunity given by the editor.

各种电池 2022-05-20

5.20_The status has changed to "last review activity: 20th May 2022."

本站唯一昵称 2022-05-19

Brother, just like you, my review comments for the 12th issue have been completed and remain unchanged until now. May 19th is also the last review activity.

各种电池 2022-05-19

5.19 - The status has changed to "Last review activity: 19th May 2022."

能不能中nsc 2022-05-17

Submitted on April 30
Still with editor on May 17
Why has it slowed down so much?

各种电池 2022-05-13

5.14 still no movement

本站唯一昵称 2022-05-12

2022.5.12 Required Reviews Completed. Time updated once, with 2+ review comments. The results should be coming soon.

本站唯一昵称 2022-05-10

2022.5.8 Reviewer 1 completed.
2022.5.10 Reviewer 2 completed. Required Reviews Completed.
The speed is a bit too fast, hopefully there are no surprises.

各种电池 2022-05-08

The status remains unchanged, but the review comments have increased to 2+. It should be that the opinion of a third reviewer has been received.

各种电池 2022-05-06

5.06 22:40 Status unchanged.

Slience bb 2022-05-05

Submission Experience:
20220222 Submitted to journal
20220223 Under review
20220322 Major revision (2 reviewers)
20220408 Revised
20220416 Under review
20220504 Accepted!

各种电池 2022-05-04

Pure computational work on electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries
I have never seen pure computational work from EnSM before, so I will give it a try this time.
Submitted on March 26th.
Editorial reminder on April 20th.
Sent for review on April 21st.
Review completed from April 29th to May 4th.

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