Verified Reviews - Structures
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

JameXu 2023-08-07

2023.8.7 Submission

DuranCCCCC 2023-08-01

My already with editor for two months, I have been sending email reminders for a week, but there is still no change.

DuranCCCCC 2023-07-31

Excuse me, did you maintain the "with editor" for a long time and then directly RRC?

ranchho 2023-07-26

7.26online is actually quite fast. It took me 3 days to proof it because my internet is slightly unstable and it couldn't load. Otherwise, it might be even faster. I think everyone can give it a try. The reviewing process might be slow, but the process after that is quick.

投就完事了呢 2023-07-25

6.28 revision, a total of 3 reviewers, the first and second raised some minor issues, probably considered invalid review, so an additional reviewer was added before. The third reviewer raised more than ten suggestions.
7.22 revision submitted.

zhijiu 2023-07-22

The speed is considered fast among the journals I have submitted to, and the editors are very efficient. It is a great journal.

小学生123 2023-07-21

Hello, how long has your RRC been?

小学生123 2023-07-21

It has been 8 days, why is there still no movement?

ranchho 2023-07-19

Update. On the morning of July 18th, accept sent me the proof before going to bed at night. But I need to change the order of the authors, which is troublesome. I don't know how to do it, haha.

流连忘返 2023-07-18

About half a month or so, they sent the email to the teacher, so that's why they didn't see it.

ranchho 2023-07-18

Hello, is it proofed now? How many days approximately?

ranchho 2023-07-18

Already accepted. I have been writing for almost a year, and then submitted numerous times from the end of December. Submitted "structures" on April 20th. I remember receiving the first review on June 10th, and after passing an exam on June 17th, I revised it on June 25th. Accepted on July 18th. But now I have encountered another headache, haha. I want to change the author's order and I am currently writing a letter. I hope what I wrote above is helpful to everyone. Has anyone changed the author's order before? Can it be changed?

ranchho 2023-07-17

I hope for a good outcome.

heu-wy 2023-07-14

5.7 Submission
6.5 Provided first review comments
6.22 Returned
7.14 Accept

亚克西黑皮 2023-07-14

May I ask if you are doing major repairs or minor repairs, and have you been hired after making the changes?

onetheodore 2023-07-13

3.10 Submission
3.14 Assigned to Associate Editor Jason Maxwell Ingham
3.17 Sent for external review
5.22 First review decision, invited 26, reviewed by 5 people, 90-day timeframe
6.18 Returned (specifically chosen this day)
6.20 Sent for external review
7.12 Second review decision, involving two people, minor revisions and agreement, received in the morning, returned in the evening
7.13 Accepted directly
If nothing unexpected happens, this will be the last small paper written during my doctoral career. After graduating next year, I do not plan to pursue research work, and I am recording this for that reason.

流连忘返 2023-07-13

I have not received the proof so far.

流连忘返 2023-07-13

4.11 Submission
4.18 With editor
6.9 RRC (Review Round Completed)
6.29 Accepted
How long does it take to be published after acceptance? Does anyone know?

ranchho 2023-07-13

Hello, don't be discouraged. You can make some modifications based on the reviewer's comments and resubmit or submit to other journals.

瓦妮莎 2023-07-13

Oh no, big brother, my first paper has also been rejected several times since submission. But only two rejections were after peer review. How many of your 8 rejections were after peer review, big brother?

ZC 2023-07-11

About 30 days ago, I sent an email asking about it and was told that it would be sent for review. However, it was rejected after 47 days with editor. It's really delaying things a bit.

DuranCCCCC 2023-07-11

The editor has been waiting for over 40 days and still hasn't found a reviewer...

Francis599 2023-07-06

4.12 Submission
4.20 Review (2 people accepted the invitation)
5.5 Reviewer 1 completes the review

cst123 2023-07-06

The translation of the text "运气比较好吧 审稿人意见比较积极" into English is "You are quite lucky. The reviewer's comments are quite positive."

Francis599 2023-07-05

20 days is too fast. I submitted it on April 20th and I still haven't received the review. The key is that the first reviewer finished reviewing it on May 5th.

流连忘返 2023-07-05

How long will it take to be online?

cst123 2023-07-05

7.4 录用 translates to "Hired on 7.4" in English.

XP_Wang 2023-06-28

In the past two years, when my junior brother applied, it was very fast. Now, indeed, it is very slow.

ZC 2023-06-28

It has been 37 days since it was submitted, still in the hands of the editor, and I don't know what the situation is.

投就完事了呢 2023-06-26

4.14 submit
5.13 review completed
6.23 under review
Review completed and undergoing re-review, expecting inconsistent opinions. This is my first piece of work, hoping for some good luck.

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