Verified Reviews - Materials Today Communications
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ahhahhah 2021-02-12

Transfer and submit for half a month, review for one month, one and a half months for revisions, second review for twenty days, revise the following day, and accept the following day.

瑶池燕 2021-02-07

Translating the provided text into English:

"I transferred from MD on October 18, 2020. After 14 days, it was sent for review. After more than 3 months of review, it was rejected on February 7, 2021. The reason given was that it did not meet the journal's requirements, and there were no reviewer comments. I feel a bit speechless as to why it wasn't rejected earlier if it didn't meet the requirements, causing such a long delay."

woo 2021-01-21

Is that so? I have not received this email all along, so I will send an email to ask.

雨虹_do 2021-01-20

Go upstairs, you should receive the email in a day or two. It will automatically help you create an account and so on, no need to reapply yourself.

woo 2021-01-20

Main post, when will I receive the email after clicking on "转投" in computational materials science? Or should I directly submit to MTC myself?

泰山学人 2021-01-18

Is the probability of acceptance high after transferring to this journal?

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