Verified Reviews - Materials Today Communications
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

奇偶 2021-09-20

Have you received any news yet? It has been three weeks and I am still with the editor.

youjun 2021-09-18

May I ask if you have received the proofreading email from upstairs? It has been over a week and I have not received it yet.

jiao13 2021-09-14

Hello, I am also a transfer student. Can you please tell me the specific time, for example, how long it will take to review?

小刘 2021-09-14

The review process was quite fast. I submitted it in early July and received it back in early August for minor revisions. After making the revisions, it was accepted just two days later. I just received the acceptance email yesterday. It was also a transfer submission.

半醋柠檬 2021-09-14

0803 transferred to this, 0823 with editor, 0914 still with editor

1点点 2021-09-07

Slowly, you can try to speed up and see if it works. I feel like it won't make much of a difference.

德才志远 2021-09-07

It has been almost twenty days for me too, and as long as I am like this, I have found a comrade.

科研小虫666 2021-09-07

It has been nearly 20 days since my required reviews were completed. What's going on? I'm contemplating whether or not to remind them.

1点点 2021-09-07

Submit by the end of May; it has been four months already, and the required reviews are still not completed. I have been waiting in this state for 20 days. I'm feeling very anxious. May I ask how much longer I have to wait?

不知道该叫什么 2021-09-06

Which stage hasn't changed? My date has been changing since it became "under review".

不知道该叫什么 2021-09-06

Which stage hasn't changed? My status as "under review" changes every few days, it makes me anxious...

奇偶 2021-09-02

May I ask where did you see your status? Was it in which system update? Was it in the original journal?

奇偶 2021-09-02

May I ask where to check the status after transferring? Is it the original journal submission system or the mtcomm submission system? Mine has not changed at all, and I'm getting anxious.

奇偶 2021-09-02

I regret seeing your message late.

奇偶 2021-09-02

May I ask where to check the status of transferring to this journal? Is it the original journal's submission system or the system of MTComm? I have accepted the transfer, but there has been no update.

坐在街头看文献 2021-08-21

The paper has been accepted. Let me explain the timeline.

6.30 - Received transfer (submitted to journal for one month)
7.30 - Under review
8.11 - Revised
8.20 - Revision submitted to journal
8.20 - Accepted

In the early stages, it took a long time from submission to reaching the editor (I had to remind them twice, and they responded saying they had a high volume of manuscripts and would process it within one to two weeks. However, looking back, it seemed like the reminders had little effect). But once it reached the editor, the processing speed was very fast.

There was one reviewer, and the editor was Houlong Zhuang, who gave me two months to make revisions. I originally planned to take one month to make the revisions so that it wouldn't seem like I didn't make proper modifications. However, I needed it urgently, so I wrote a thorough ten-page response, included all the necessary materials, and made significant improvements to the overall content and quality of the paper. Surprisingly, I submitted it on the evening of the 20th, which was a Friday. I thought it would be sent for review again or at least take another two to three days. However, when I checked the next morning, it had already been accepted. It seems like the editor is available 24/7. Editor Houlong Zhuang's processing speed is truly impressive. Kudos to him! I also wish everyone good luck!

清风小楼 2021-08-18

Submission status---not at all decisive

清风小楼 2021-08-18

I submitted it on the 30th, and it's still the same now~~~

匿名 2021-08-17

After Jul 20, 2021, it has been in a submitted state.

清风小楼 2021-08-15

I have been for half a month, just like you.

科研路上的求索者 2021-08-08

Has everyone made progress? What is the current status now?

大龙虾 2021-07-29

Let me explain my timeline:

April 22, 2021: Transferred to the Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
May 9, 2021: Under review (After the transfer, it took a long time from submission to with editor. However, it only took two days from with editor to under review).
June 8, 2021: Revision (It seems that this journal does not differentiate between major and minor revisions. There were two reviewers and over ten questions, all of which were answered well. However, one reviewer requested additional images of the manufacturing process, so it took a long time to go through the experimental procedure).
July 16, 2021: Revision submit.
July 26, 2021: Revision (Only a formatting issue with one image).
July 26, 2021: Revision submit.
July 29, 2021: Accepted.

zmmmmman 2021-07-29

Hello, may I ask where can I see the progress after transferring?

贾斯丁 2021-07-26

It's useless to rush, I have already reminded twice.

科研路上的求索者 2021-07-22

I will also share a bit. I transferred from CMS, and it has been 23 days already, but it is still in the submission status. It is much more straightforward to get rejected or sent for review at other journals.

The speed of this journal is really slow. I suggest that students in a hurry carefully consider transferring. Personally, I think it is not only slow but also not good enough.

开心毕业 2021-07-22

Similarly, it has been 22 days and the submission is still in the status of being sent to the journal. I don't know if I should remind them.

开心毕业 2021-07-22

Similarly, it has been 22 days since submission and the status remains "submitted to the journal."

hellojia19 2021-07-21

I haven't pushed for the manuscript, so I don't know. I have been with the editor for two weeks now, and it might be difficult to get it before October.

论文咖 2021-07-20

After submitting, it keeps showing: Submissions Being Processed (1). How can I urge the editor?

baiyih 2021-07-20

It has been 22 days since I submitted, but it is still "submitted". I have sent an email reminder once in between, but have not received any reply. I am very anxious.

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