Verified Reviews - Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

寻一、 2023-08-08

The processing speed of the article is so slow.

hhhhh66 2023-08-08

Please confirm that the maximum number of figures + tables is 8, and the maximum number of sub-figures (insets) is 2 per original figure. If there are more, please consider moving the material to the Supporting Information section. If it is a Review, please confirm that the maximum number of figures + tables is 12. Is the term "Supporting Information" referring to the appendix? Can I simply add it to the end of the main text or do I need to upload a separate Word document?

hhhhh66 2023-08-08

May I ask if your feedback is regarding the high repetition rate or the fact that it does not meet the requirements?

遇见大川 2023-07-31

6.21 submitted
7.31 still Under Review

Jeason Li 2023-07-30

7.29 submission, hoping the first paper will be accepted.

JOTARA 2023-04-28

2023.1.16 Submission
2023.4.18 Received review comments from two reviewers, one recommends minor revisions and acceptance, the other recommends major revisions and acceptance.
2023.5.9 Submitted revised manuscript.

沉思的托克维尔 2023-02-21

Generally, SCI journals use iThenticate for plagiarism checking, right? You can also check it on TaoBao first.

青蔷薇23 2023-02-20

May I ask what repetition rate meets the requirements? 23 called me back. Do you have any recommended plagiarism checker software?

沉思的托克维尔 2023-01-15

• Please confirm that the maximum number of figures and tables is 8, with a maximum of 2 subfigures (illustrations) per original figure. If there are more, please consider moving the materials to supplementary material (sm) as Appendix A. If it is a review article, please confirm that the maximum number of figures and tables is 12.

沉思的托克维尔 2023-01-15

• Is your manuscript more than 5000 words, excluding references and supplementary materials?
o If yes, and it is a review article, proceed to the next question. If it is not a review article, then shorten the length of your manuscript. For review articles, the maximum limit is 9000 words.
o If no, please proceed to the next question.

liumd123 2023-01-15

Does the article content have to be less than 5000 characters? It feels difficult to explain clearly within less than 5000 characters. Will it definitely be rejected as long as it exceeds 5000 characters?

kasami 2022-12-20

Submitted for 20 days, still with the editor. It feels like the reviewing speed depends on the institution's decision.

xieyichen 2022-11-07

The speed is extremely slow, it has been a month and it is still in the submit status.

icepoloz 2022-10-16

It's really disturbing. I thought limiting the length of submissions would increase the processing speed. Also, I saw that several recent papers were processed quickly, so I didn't expect it would take one month for my submission to be "submitted to journal". Moreover, I didn't receive any reply to my emails, which is outrageous.

10.9 submitted to journal
11.16 with editor till now.

嘎嘎嘎子 2022-09-22

Elsevier often encounters this situation. You can try changing the browser or using a different computer (I usually use a different computer). Alternatively, if they change the editor of the journal, they update the system once, and the current account password cannot be logged in. You can only apply for a password change. Sometimes you can use the same password as before, but sometimes it shows that it cannot be the same, so you have to change it to something else and then change it back to the original. In short, sometimes the whole account password can be quite troublesome. Give it a try.

沉思的托克维尔 2022-09-12

The official website has a SETA Author Checklist, which seems to say: "Does your manuscript exceed 5000 words, excluding references and supplementary materials? If so, and it is a review article, proceed to the next question. If it is not a review article, then shorten the length of your manuscript. For review articles, the maximum limit is 9000 words." I can't remember the specific details, so you may need to download and have a look yourself.

FFF7 2022-09-12

Hello, may I ask if there is a page limit for submitting to this journal? What is the submission format? How many reviewers are there? Thank you.

cabalcorrine 2022-09-07

Do I have to change the password in order to log in? I don't mind changing my own account, but it's a bit troublesome to change the teacher's account password.

LWLW 2022-09-07

The username was changed in the system, mine too. A string of numbers was added after the username.

cabalcorrine 2022-09-06

Is this journal website experiencing a bug? Neither my teacher nor I can log in to our accounts. It shows password error, but when I try to reset it, I enter the same password as before. It tells me that I can't use the same password twice, so doesn't that mean my previous password was correct?

沉思的托克维尔 2022-09-03

My supervisor submitted it at that time, and it seems that the other authors did not confirm it. Only I confirmed it, and after a few months, the review comments suddenly came back.

LWLW 2022-08-22

Do all authors need to confirm this journal? It has been over half a month and still no assigned number after submitting to the journal.

沉思的托克维尔 2022-08-21

You should take a look at the SETA Author Checklist, it explains very clearly. Regarding solar or wind energy technology and its evaluation, please note that SETA will not accept manuscripts on local solar or wind energy potential, local solar or wind power databases, and statistical models that convert sunshine duration measurements into solar radiation. SETA may also not accept papers on the application of an algorithm in energy technology or artificial intelligence systems unless the new algorithm has made significant improvements in a specific energy field and the paper has previously demonstrated the use of other types of algorithms in the literature.

Fortunever 2022-08-21

When I mentioned the EIC in the second round, I included all the charts and such in the appendix. In the final article, there were a total of 7 figures. After the manuscript was revised, there were 3 appendices. In the subsequent rounds, there were some trivial comments that were difficult to suspect as intentional.

Fortunever 2022-08-21

Four months seems like a good amount of time. My friend, I suggest that if you can endure it, then wait a little longer. If you can't endure it or if there isn't enough time, you can consider other journals.

cabalcorrine 2022-08-16

May I ask how long it took for you to submit the modifications to the feedback? I have already submitted mine for nearly 9 months now, and it has been almost 50 days since I submitted the major revisions. It is still under review.

cabalcorrine 2022-08-14

I will be nine months old soon, and I have only been repaired once. Sigh.

沉思的托克维尔 2022-08-13

It is estimated that there are too many pictures and tables. It is recommended to limit the total number of pictures and tables to 8, and the remaining charts should be placed in Appendix A as supplementary materials.

Fortunever 2022-08-13

The editing process is extremely slow and there are no substantial modifications suggested. It has been over 8 months since submission (can you believe it was submitted last year?), and out of the four revisions, three were minor suggestions from the editor. The last time it took 20 days for the editor to not process it, even after urging them once. Now, I see it has been sent for review again, and the editor still hasn't given a reason (the first round of reviewers had already accepted the suggestions for revision, but the EIC keeps finding fault, mostly with minor issues like deleting images, perhaps because I am Chinese?).
The quality of the journal's articles is worrisome, with a large number of nepotistic relationships (especially noticeable in the articles by Indian authors, a quick search would reveal that).
I advise friends who are considering submitting to be cautious. If you can endure the unreasonable demands of the EIC and the nearly month-long editing process after each revision, then go ahead.

cabalcorrine 2022-07-07

This speed is so enviable. I applied at the end of November last year, and now it has been 7 months. I have only reached the stage of major revisions, and it has been a week and I am still "with editor".

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