Verified Reviews - Additive Manufacturing
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

edtaaaa 2023-07-21

Did you check for plagiarism before submitting your contribution?

pftang 2023-07-13

7.13 under review.

This means that the text or item with the number 7.13 is currently being examined or evaluated.

pftang 2023-07-13

Now it has been submitted for review.

大宝贝666 2023-07-13

The editor has been dealing with it for a month, or should I send an email to remind them?

pftang 2023-07-10

You handle things so quickly! Mine has been with the editor for a month.

大宝贝666 2023-07-10

2023.06.27 submitted
2023.07.03 with editor
2023.07.08 with editor (possibly the second operation by the editor)
2023.07.09 under review
Hope for good luck.

钱邦国 2023-07-05

Jul 04, 2023 Completed - Reject.

钱邦国 2023-07-04

Jun 13, 2023 submitted to journal:
Jun 17, 2023 With Editor


Jun 13, 2023: Submitted to the journal.
Jun 17, 2023: Under review by the editor.

pftang 2023-06-30

6.30 with editor translates to "6:30 with editor" in English.

wind0w 2023-06-29

It was my previous negligence that abbreviations like FDM cannot appear in the title. Instead, "material extrusion" must be used. After fixing this issue, I submitted it on April 13th. I have just returned and both reviewers have given very positive evaluations, with minor revisions suggested by the editor. I have been given 20 days to make the revisions and it is required to be done before July 18th. Hopefully, it will be accepted.

司夜 2023-06-28

Take a look to see if it's a formatting issue with the chapters. I had the same problem, but when I switched the positions of the Theory and Material&Method sections, it passed the front-end review. It's best to strictly follow his guidelines and write it as follows: Introduction, Material&Method, Theory, Results&Discussion, Conclusion.

之江er 2023-06-26

6.6 Revise Both reviewers are generally positive, but they have some doubts about certain concepts and representation methods.
6.21 Resubmitted.
6.22 With editor.

pftang 2023-06-24

6.12 submitted to journal;
6.14 with editor;
6.16 with editor;
still with editor now, the processing is a bit slow.

之江er 2023-05-25

5.24 under review, two new reviewers have been assigned. Speculation: Either the first two reviewers had conflicting opinions or their feedback was too simplistic and lacked sufficient references.

monster ~ 2023-05-21

Translation: Submission on the 16th, how can we see how many reviewers were sent for review?

monster ~ 2023-05-21

On May 16th, it was submitted for review. How many reviewers were assigned?

Run 2023-05-16

Last year it was invested on October 6th, and this year it was withdrawn on May 15th. The time was too long.

LHLH 2023-05-15

Add one, there is only one reviewer, the outcome is unknown.

君君之啊 2023-05-10

2023.1.14 Submission
With the editor for one month
As of 5.10, under review, only one reviewer has provided comments, no revision comments yet.

lilycheung 2023-05-09

2023/04/15 Submit;
2023/04/21 With Editor;
2023/05/14 Desk Reject; Not submitted for review directly rejected; The topic was not aligned, and the editor felt it did not contribute to the current advancements in 3D printing processes or technological strategies.

之江er 2023-05-08

Elsevier Research Publishing Services sent me an email when the manuscript was submitted for review. The email included a reminder that if I am a WeChat user, I can track the status of the paper.

Dear XX,
Your submitted manuscript is currently under review.
If you are a WeChat user, then you can also receive status updates via WeChat. To do this please click the following link;【When the link is opened, it will display a QR code. Scan the QR code with WeChat to enter the official account, then bind your account and select to track the status of your paper】

atum 2023-05-06

What is Elsevier Research Services? I can't find this wx public account. There are some similar names, but I also didn't see the function of pushing article progress.

之江er 2023-05-06

Yes, we will send you a notification after the review.

之江er 2023-04-28

4.18 under review Sent to 6 reviewers (ISI Research Services, real-time detailed status can be viewed by following their WeChat account, which is great)
4.19 under review First reviewer accepted the review
4.26 under review Second reviewer accepted the review
5.10 under review Both reviewers have completed the review
...... Looking forward to good results

tonglingwang1234 2023-04-26

I have submitted it 4 times, and every time it was due to formatting and abbreviation issues. It took almost half a month to make revisions repeatedly, and it is mentally exhausting.

fyj94510 2023-04-24

Mine is the same as yours. I submitted with the editor on the 19th, and the time changed to with the editor on the 21st.

monster ~ 2023-04-24

Do you know why the date keeps changing with the editor? It changed from April 19th to April 21st and then changed to April 23rd.

monster ~ 2023-04-20

Submitted on April 14
April 19 with editor

zzq123456 2023-04-19

Has your problem been resolved?

Wang Haohuan 2023-04-18

April 18, 2023 under review

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