Verified Reviews - Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

观天澜 2021-11-12

Not all of them are slow, if you look carefully at the complete process shared, they all took just over a month. Maybe this is survivorship bias?

观天澜 2021-11-12

Brother, I will also graduate next year, but I am a bit luckier than you. I submitted my paper to this journal and received expert opinions in just 20 days. It was ultimately accepted, so I can graduate now. I have submitted another paper to the same journal now. I hope for good results and wish you the same.

伪学术科研工作者 2021-11-12

Everyone is slow, but I am worried that mine is already "Under review" on the second day...

wumanyuan 2021-11-12

2021.07.19 Submission, (reminded after one month) 08.25 under review, 09.10 Date changed, and then reminded again after three months. The editor said they contacted two reviewers with no response. They are now searching for new reviewers. It has been almost four months and it is still under review. Graduation is becoming difficult.

伪学术科研工作者 2021-11-11

I submitted yesterday, and when I checked today, it was already under review. Isn't that a bit suspicious?

观天澜 2021-11-11

I move every 8 days under review. It should be the status checked by the editor online. It could be just a simple check or there might be feedback from the reviewers.

观天澜 2021-11-10

You need to fill in the recommended reviewers, otherwise there will always be a red exclamation mark and you won't be able to submit. Just fill in your boss and the experts from other departments with whom you have collaborated, and you're done.

一二三木林森 2021-11-10

Thank you both for your answers and help. This is my first submission to the Esweil group, and I have many questions as I am following the submission requirements. I would like to ask again, is it necessary for the author to recommend four potential reviewers for their work? If so, do these reviewers have to be affiliated with the journal?

玩泥巴的狗 2021-11-09

Hello, I encountered the same situation, and it updates every 7 days very regularly. May I ask how you eventually resolved it?

飘逸蔡文姬 2021-11-08

Relax, the format in Evansville is quite flexible, which is better than *SC. As long as it is not a letter, the requirements are very user-friendly. Just place the image around the content, how would you feel comfortable if you were the reviewer? During the proofreading stage, the publishing house will send you an email asking you to upload high-resolution charts. You need to convince the editors and reviewers, not the typesetting team.

观天澜 2021-11-07

I put it directly in the text. Personally, I don't think these are key issues, so there's no need to dwell on them, except when certain journals specifically require them to be placed in a separate Word document or after the references.

一二三木林森 2021-11-06

Thank you very much for your answers, which have solved a big confusion for me. I still have another concern regarding the chart submission. In the submission requirements, it is stated that charts should be placed in a separate document. Should they also be included in the manuscript? I have noticed that some pre-published articles include charts in the manuscript, while others do not. Could you please provide some advice on this?

观天澜 2021-11-06

The 10 pages mentioned in the author's guidelines refer to the 10 pages of paper after formatting. My paper, on the other hand, is less than 8 pages in total, with only 3000 words from the introduction to the conclusion.

飘逸蔡文姬 2021-11-04

This is not a strict requirement, meaning that having more pages is not a problem. You can go to the official website and see that many publications have more than ten pages. My formal publication has 13 pages, 7000 words, 15 large images, two tables, and one scheme.

一二三木林森 2021-11-04

May I ask if this journal has a page limit of 10 pages for submissions? Does this page limit include charts and graphs?

一二三木林森 2021-11-04

May I ask, for this journal, is the page limit for submissions 10 pages? Does the 10 pages include figures and charts?

飘逸蔡文姬 2021-11-04

JMR&T2021 real-time impact factor is 4.66 (number of publications in 19 and 20: 636+1463; cited 9794 times). The estimated impact factor for 2021 is around 5.5. If the quality remains the same, it is possible that the impact factor for 2022 will be around 5.2.

观天澜 2021-10-29

Why is yours in euros and mine in dollars?

yuxiao 2021-10-29

Do not waste time applying for discounts. According to the standard set by the World Bank, we are definitely a developed country. I haven't heard of any discounts for the first half of the year. It's 960 euros.

观天澜 2021-10-29

After you have completed filling in the access and rights, you will receive an invoice, which contains a link for payment. I have noticed that some people make the payment while filling in the access and rights. Additionally, a year ago, there was a 50% discount for China being a developing country, but I am not sure if it still applies now. I also did not apply for the discount.

观天澜 2021-10-27

It's good enough if you can get admitted. Hurry up and submit a few graduation papers, so you can secure scholarships and such. If you don't have any papers ready by then, your boss will force you to extend the deadline. Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

飘逸蔡文姬 2021-10-27

When giving a decision, the name of the responsible editor will be displayed.

观天澜 2021-10-26

When replying to the author regarding the status of the manuscript, the name of the editor who made the edits will be displayed. When submitting for review, it is necessary to check if the editor has found a reviewer.

观天澜 2021-10-26

The speed of this journal is acceptable, and the editors are generally quick in handling. It has not been under review for a long time, which could be because the editors haven't found suitable reviewers or the reviewers they sent it to did not agree to review it.

观天澜 2021-10-26

It will be returned to the reviewer, and the reviewer will provide further comments based on your response.

做完实验打boss 2021-10-26

May I ask if the revised version will be sent back to the first reviewer? How long will the reviewing process take approximately? Thank you.

jiamaolee 2021-10-26

May I ask how you know who the editor is? Also, it seems like you review submissions quite quickly. It has been 10 days since I submitted mine with Editor, but it hasn't been sent for review yet. They wouldn't reject it outright, would they?

小木块 2021-10-25

2021.09.11. Submission
2021.09.16. Under review
2021.09.24. The editorial department sent an email requesting a manuscript with line numbers, stating it was requested by one of the reviewers.
2021.10.01. Major revision, four reviewers, 30 comments. The editor gave three weeks to make amendments, including adding three representations, conducting two sets of experiments, polishing, and extensively modifying the content.
2021.10.16. Revised and improved, a 4,000-word response to reviews. The manuscript underwent a significant transformation and was submitted.
2021.10.18. With editor
2021.10.18. Under review
2021.10.19. Required reviews completed
2021.10.21. Accepted
The editor is Po-Yu Chen from Tsinghua University, very responsible and highly efficient! The four reviewers are also responsible, providing precise feedback.

yuxiao 2021-10-22

The translation of the text "上半年录用是960欧元" into English is "The salary for the first half of the year is 960 euros."

cain123 2021-10-22

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal?

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