Verified Reviews - Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

地下核聚变 2022-04-05

I have been serving as a reviewer for this journal for over 2 years. The review period given to reviewers is only 14 days for the first round of review, so efficient work is required from reviewers.

观天澜 2022-04-03

Suitable for the national situation, each takes what they need.

青团 2022-04-03

Feb 28, 2022 With Editor
Mar 1, 2022 Under Review
Mar 21, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Mar 24, 2022 Minor revision
Mar 31, 2022 Revision submitted to journal
Apr 01, 2022 With Editor
Apr 02, 2022 Accept
One word: Fast

xiezhiqi 2022-04-01

Generally, one week is about enough.

aca 2022-03-23

Hello, can you please check the submission process time for your article?

牟维鹏 2022-03-23

Dear friends who have been employed, I would like to ask everyone a question. After the article is submitted, approximately how long does it take to retrieve it? Thank you.

xiezhiqi 2022-03-21

February 2nd - Submitted
February 3rd - Under review
February 20th - Revision
March 11th - Submitted
March 14th - Accepted
The first submission was for SCI. The first time I submitted to MSEA, the editor gave me major revisions. The reviewer asked me to add a performance test aspect, but we felt that this performance was not relevant to the research content corresponding to our title. It was not what we wanted to explore, so we did not make this modification. We replied that we would explore it later. In the end, the reviewer seemed very angry and said that the content he proposed should be adopted, but we did not understand the importance of learning with humility, so it was rejected. It feels bad because that experiment was not difficult. The first submission ended up like this, which is a pity. I also don't understand the rules of submitting papers very well. Actually, the research is quite novel. Later, the senior boss asked me to submit to JMRT for review, and the response came back quickly in about ten days. It was a minor revision, with a total of five comments. Some were minor issues, some I had already thought of, and one was due to a misunderstanding by the reviewer. I explained it in detail in my response. The next day after the revision, the editor accepted it, and the speed was indeed fast, almost in February. Thanks to the editor and I wish the journal will continue to improve and accept more high-quality papers.

aca 2022-03-17

Hello, can we have a detailed conversation? Regarding this, it's just a change of dates for him, and he has been in the external review status all along.

学术界的彭于晏 2022-03-15

This journal is very easy to get published in, and it is also in the second quartile. The impact factor is also very high. Although it is a paid journal, it is really cost-effective compared to other paid journals. As long as you have the funding, you can consider submitting more papers to this journal and increase its visibility.

科研v小能手 2022-03-11

The review will be completed within a week, and the review process will take about a month. The speed is very fast! Professor Po-Yu Chen handles manuscripts quickly!

我是涛哥哥 2022-03-09

Character explodes, invested on February 8th, revised on February 28th, major revision, added four experiments.
Revised on March 6th.
Received on March 9th.

wm2222 2022-03-03

After the article is received, how long will it take to notify the proofreader? Or what is the next step? This is the first time submitting to an open-access journal.

hucy 2022-02-25

Pay directly with Visa card, or use a card starting with 4xxxx, or if your card has a Visa logo on it.

二代球王蒂亚戈梅西 2022-02-24

Hello, LZ, how can I pay the layout fee through Alipay after receiving it? When I was filling out the form, there was an option for Alipay, but it seems that only VISA card is accepted in the invoice link. I'm confused! Thank you.

二代球王蒂亚戈梅西 2022-02-24

Excuse me, LZ, how can I pay the layout fee through Alipay after receiving it? When I was filling out the form, there was an option for Alipay, but it seems that only VISA card is accepted for the invoice. I'm confused! Thank you.

伪学术科研工作者 2022-02-22

Hello, may I ask what card you used for payment? Both of my credit cards are not working here.

伪学术科研工作者 2022-02-22

Hello, may I ask what card you used for payment? Both of my credit cards are not working here.

风之语_ 2022-02-19

Arial font is ugly, I use Times New Roman font, with 1.5 line spacing, it looks the same... I finally sent the form to the first email address in Word, I'm frustrated...

wm2222 2022-02-19

Do I have to submit in accordance with the journal format when making a submission? Single line spacing, Arial font.

风之语_ 2022-02-15

Comrade, I would like to ask, after 2 days of receiving, the Track status changed to "Rights & Access form sent to you for completion." However, it has been 5 days now and I still haven't received the email. What's going on? Should I send an email to ask? But I can't find the Aisville's email address.

Pidoudou 2022-02-02

Reviewer is professional and conscientious, accepted after major revisions.

Wang 2022-02-02

Welding direction, fast manuscript review acceptance, suitable for graduation party. The review comments are very pertinent, hoping to improve the quality of the reviewers in the future.

一扁孤舟飘 2022-01-26

Resolved, there was a problem with the registration of UC Browser, but it was resolved by switching to a different browser. Hopefully, this will serve as a reference for future encounters with similar issues.

拾忆尘葑 2022-01-25

2021.11.15 Submitted to journal
2021.11.19 under review
2021.12.2 major review (two reviewers, issues are mainly related to experimental details, over 20 comments, also need language polishing) given 21 days for revision
2021.12.19 Submitted
2022.1.3 returned to me (language issues)
2022.1.17 Submitted
2022.1.20 accepted

一扁孤舟飘 2022-01-25

I would like to ask for advice from all the teachers. In the second step of registration, I filled in all the fields with asterisks, but when I click "continue," there is no response. I have tried several times but still cannot complete the registration. Could you please let me know if there is any detail I missed? This is the first time I've encountered this issue, so I'm seeking advice from experienced individuals.

ZJChao 2022-01-23

I want to ask which User license should be chosen when filling in "rights & access," CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 or CC BY 4.0? Is there any difference?

ZJChao 2022-01-22

I would like to ask, after receiving a notification that my article has been accepted, the journal sent an email asking me to fill out publishing forms, including the Purchase Order Number and Tax Exemption Number and Tax Exemption Certificate if applicable to my institution. How should I proceed with this? There is no form in the provided link. Thank you.

ZJChao 2022-01-22

I would like to ask, after being notified that my article has been accepted, the journal sent an email asking me to fill out the publishing form(s), including the Purchase Order Number and Tax Exemption Number... How should I do this? There is no form in the link provided. Thank you.

ZJChao 2022-01-22

The first submission to JMRT, it feels pretty good.

aaannndscd 2022-01-19

Latest Updates:
11.16.2021/with editor
11.18.2021/under review
11.26.2021/under review
12.07.2021/minor revision
12.21.2021/revision submitted
12.23.2021/with editor
12.24.2021/under review
01.02.2022/required reviews completed
01.04.2022/decision in process
01.18.2022/with editor

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