Verified Reviews - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

njbsok 2022-05-24

This journal recently retracted more than 70 papers, don't get kicked out of SCI because of it!

lisalfl 2022-05-18

Are you the second reviewer?

laj 2022-05-18

RRC has been 36 days.

winnerche 2022-05-18

It has been nearly twenty days since the completion of the second required reviews.

winnerche 2022-05-10

Second review required reviews completed eleven days ago.

lisalfl 2022-05-07

Has yours yielded results?

winnerche 2022-05-04

The official website of the journal provides an introduction, and the average period for the first review is over 70 days.

大大的小妖怪 2022-05-04

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to receive the result of the first trial?

lisalfl 2022-05-04

How long did it take for you to receive the opinions for your second review?

winnerche 2022-05-04

It has been a month, so it's possible to give a reminder. This journal has fewer editorial board members in China, so the review process is slower.

Ziyu_Zhang 2022-05-04

Wow, it's incredible. I submitted it on April 5th. It has already been a month and it's still with the editor.

winnerche 2022-04-30

I hope the second review, "required reviews completed," does not take too long.

winnerche 2022-04-18

After submitting for major revisions, it has been almost a week, and it is still "with editor".

winnerche 2022-04-14

I just submitted for repair, and it has been two days with the editor.

winnerche 2022-04-14

The chief editor gave me a major revision, not the acceptance after a major revision.

lisalfl 2022-04-10

It has been two months since I returned my item for repair, and I still haven't received any updates.

SIMU0712 2022-04-10

I am also doing a major renovation, feeling anxious, and have already submitted it for a month.

SIMU0712 2022-04-10

May I ask if your feedback on the revised comments you made on April 5th is positive?

winnerche 2022-04-05

Today, a major revision was given and the editor-in-chief invited six reviewers. Five of the reviewers responded with their comments, and one of them gave a recommendation for direct acceptance.

lisalfl 2022-04-01

After the major modifications, is the probability in this journal high?

四玺源子 2022-03-31

Caution! It has been ten months and it is still under review. I contacted the publishing house twice during this period but received no response!! I also tried to withdraw the submission but still no response!!!

wyw2022 2022-03-26

Are you still required to complete reviews now?

wyw2022 2022-03-25

I submitted my work in October and I hope to receive some feedback on revisions soon! I'm really worried about graduation if there are no revisions. It's been such a long time.

SIMU0712 2022-03-21

I submitted it in September, and received a response in February. They gave me a month to make revisions, and it did feel quite slow. However, I noticed that some people received replies faster than me despite submitting later.

winnerche 2022-03-19

It has been over a month, a long wait for the required reviews to be completed.

wyw2022 2022-03-16

Oh my goodness, I have been under review for over five months. Can I still wait for him to graduate?

winnerche 2022-03-14

After "under review" comes "required reviews completed," and then "decision in process."

wyw2022 2022-03-10

What are the statuses that need to be experienced after "under review"?

winnerche 2022-03-09

The status is still required reviews completed.

wyw2022 2022-03-09

It has been five months since the submission, and it is still under review. The last update was on February 1st. I would like to ask what does it mean when the time is updated but the status remains unchanged?

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