Verified Reviews - Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Zhen159 2022-05-21

The first review speed of this journal is amazing.
March 9th - Submission, the initial review took about a week, and then it was in the hands of the editor for another week, which is still considered normal.
March 24th - Peer review.
May 11th - First review comments returned (editor gave minor revisions to two reviewers, one with a few minor suggestions; the other gave a high evaluation without any suggestions).
May 16th - Revised version submitted.
May 20th - Official acceptance.
May 21st - Online publication.

Wenyi lu 2022-05-19

May I ask which editor you chose? I have been waiting for two weeks for initial review, but it hasn't reached the editor yet.

gdcriwul 2022-05-18

2022.3.25 Submitted
2022.3.26 Initial assessment
2022.4.6 With editor
2022.4.6 In peer review
2022.4.27 Major revision
2022.5.10 Revision submitted
2022.5.10 Checking submission and files
2022.5.10 With editor
2022.5.13 In peer review
2022.5.16 Accepted
2022.5.18 Online.

Except for the initial review taking a bit longer, everything else was very fast. The paper is related to lithium-sulfur batteries, with three reviewers, one minor revision, and two major revisions. The reviewers' comments were all very professional and requested additional experiments. In addition, the editor also provided 8 suggestions, mainly regarding formatting and abbreviations. Thank you to the journal editor Prof. Paula L. Diaconescu and the reviewers for their professional and efficient review process.

Wenyi lu 2022-05-18

How long does it take to review?

liruiqin 2022-05-17

How long did the original poster receive the proof email? I received mine, but I haven't received the proof email yet.

liruiqin 2022-05-17

Did the original poster receive the proof email? How long did it take to receive it?

YangGang__ 2022-05-16

2021.12.19 Submission
2022.02.10 Major renovation re-submission
2022.03.29 Re-submission
2022.05.09 Major renovation

Wenyi lu 2022-05-15

Has anyone invested recently? It has been two weeks and it is still in the initial review.

zmm1 2022-05-11

May I ask what is the current status now?

liruiqin 2022-05-04

Submitted on March 28th, received review comments on April 24th. The initial review was really slow during this period, so please be patient. It is estimated that it will take less than ten days for the review comments to come back once they are sent to the reviewer. Now it is in an unknown state of revision, and I am also worried.

Wenyi lu 2022-05-04

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review? How long will it take approximately?

鹅蛋sama 2022-05-01

I also submitted on April 20th, and it is now May 1st, but it is still in the initial assessment phase. How can it be so slow? The editor has not given any feedback yet.

Dr. 野味 2022-04-24

The processing speed of the manuscript is really slow. It was submitted on 4.10, and even after two weeks, it is still in the initial assessment stage.

小小青椒~ 2022-04-10

Recently, the processing speed of the manuscript has slowed down, I don't know how much. Previously, it only took a month and a half from submission to acceptance. This time, the initial review has taken almost half a month. I submitted on 3.24, had the preliminary evaluation on 3.24, and it took about 10 days to be with the editor. I waited for almost a week, and received a rejection on 4.8.

Submitting and waiting is a difficult process. I wanted to share my experience for everyone's reference, and also see the peer review timeline of others.

Gstone 2022-03-28

Posted on March 9th, initial assessment took one week, and now it is March 28th, still with editor.

penguin 2022-03-22

A journal with promising prospects, a top journal in the subdiscipline of inorganic chemistry. Currently, it has an impact factor of 7.5, so it is worth considering investment.

zzzyyyjjj 2022-03-11

May I ask how long it takes for the initial assessment to move on to the next step? Can anyone share their experience?

ajkdajkld 2022-02-16

Posted on February 15, 2022

watermanl 2022-02-15

Posted on January 25, 2022
In peer review on February 7, 2022

liling 2022-02-10

12.27 Submission
1.28 Minor revisions
2.06 Submitting revised manuscript according to the suggested modifications
2.09 Acceptance
Very efficient, hoping for continuous improvement of the journal.

Sam 2022-01-24

12.23投 - Submitted on December 23rd
1.8退修 - Requested revisions on January 8th
一个审稿人直接给通过 - One reviewer approved it directly
一个提了一些意料之内的意见,需要补实验 - Another reviewer provided some expected comments and requested additional experiments
1.17提交修改稿 - Submitted revised manuscript on January 17th
1.20接收 - Accepted on January 20th
很迅速。小硕第一篇英文,很顺利,很幸运。 - Very efficient. It was the first English paper for the Master's student, and it went smoothly and luckily.

alpha 2022-01-19

3 weeks for feedback, 2 reviewers gave 7 suggestions. After conducting additional experiments, acceptance was received the next day. A total of 5 weeks.

山大小学生 2022-01-11

2021.12.09 Submission
2021.12.26 Minor revision
2022.01.06 Revised
2022.01.10 Accepted
The overall speed is very fast, thank you to the editor, and I hope it will continue to improve!

五八四十 2022-01-11

We have published in the journal with the least resistance in the past few years, without a doubt. The peripheral data of the students' main project has been floating around for 2 years, and it has not been accepted by more than ten journals in levels 1-3. When submitted to Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, it took only 2 weeks to receive minor revisions, and the total time from submission to acceptance did not exceed 3 weeks. We also frequently receive invitations for peer review from journals, and we evaluate them based on the criteria of level 3, as the average level of the journals is more or less the same.

moring9999 2022-01-07

2021.12.24 Submission
2021.12.28 Under review by editor
2021.12.29 Under peer review
2022.01.07 Minor revision required

nicaima 2021-12-27

How are you now, OP? Mine has also been 7 days.

mango504 2021-12-20

Has your initial assessment changed? It's been over a week and mine is still the initial assessment.

SUNRISE2019 2021-12-17

My initial review has been 14 days, I am really speechless about this journal.

SUNRISE2019 2021-12-14

It has been 11 days since mine and it is still in the initial evaluation state.

ajkdajkld 2021-12-14

It has been 15 days, and it is still in the preliminary review status.

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