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来得及真的 2023-07-07

May I ask whether the WB strip needs to be a whole film or can it be cut into corresponding areas? Because the machine in my research group is not capable of producing colorful images like the AI600, it only produces black and white images. Thank you.

来得及真的 2023-07-07

May I ask if the WB strip needs to be a whole film or can it be cut to the corresponding area? Because the machine we have in our research group is not like the AI600 that can produce colorful images, it is black and white. Thank you.

llbbbl 2023-06-05

Required Reviews Completed 5 Days

M0107 2022-12-20

Brother, have you voted?

5464641kjhjkhh 2021-12-27

May I ask if anyone has submitted to this magazine recently? What are the requirements for papers and how is the review process in terms of speed? Thank you.

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