认证评论 - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

王八蛋666 2023-04-06

"1 time, 3 experts."

小伙D 2023-04-04

Excuse me, how many times have you made modifications in total? How many experts?

王八蛋666 2023-04-04

Submitted to acceptance, approximately 34 days. Additionally, the cost has increased to $2080.

SummerDream 2023-03-28

The price has increased. Previously, the cost for research articles was $950, but now it has been changed to $2080.

inf 2023-02-22

How is the article charged? I have written a comprehensive one. Looking forward to your answer.

w222 2022-08-13

Very fast, from submission to acceptance, exactly 20 days. Hoping to be in the second zone, haha.
12 Aug 2022 Typesetting initiated.
Article accepted for publication.
11 Aug 2022 Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
08 Aug 2022 Interactive review forum activated.
23 Jul 2022 Corresponding Author submitted manuscript.

China no1 2022-07-18

This magazine is quite fast, it takes one and a half months for acceptance and one month for online publication. The quality of the articles is also acceptable, probably classified as a second-tier publication by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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