Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 Airbnb and hotels during COVID-19: different strategies to survive
Nice abstract, except the author did not define the acronym STR in this usage, making it somewhat less helpful for a researcher who is not involved in this field of study.


评论了 Journal of registry management
In the past, there has been some discussion of whether this journal is truly "peer reviewed."


评论了 The Impact Factor Is a 20th-Century Relic in an Electronic Journal World of Instant Citation Counts
Eminently readable article that raises important issues.


评论了 ASPPH/NHTSA Public Health Fellowship Program
What an interesting, potentially impactful collaboration between ASPPH, DOT, and NHTSA. Traffic safety is a major contribution of public health, although few recognize it as such.


评论了 904 Hypertension Analysis of Stress Reduction Using Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial
A well-designed, adequately powered analysis of an important potential therapy, that unfortunately did not see any statistically significant effect. The abstract is a bit confusing in that the authors conclude "MBSR was found to be ineffective in lowering BP by 6 mmHg or more among stage-1 unmedicated hypertensives," but the methods do not mention that study eligibility included unmedicated subjects.


评论了 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The go-to journal for complementary and alternative therapies.


评论了 HS Genealogy / History Achievement Award
HS = History Section RUSA = Reference and User Services Association (A division of the American Library Association) Hard to tell all this from the description.


评论了 Award for Excellence: Genealogy and Family History Book
The website does not give much information about eligibility or judging criteria. For example, what is considered "publication?"


评论了 CSA Research Fellowship
No awards were made in 2021, but the website doesn't indicate whether that was CoVID related, or some other factor.


评论了 Simethicone—another “pill in the pocket” in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation?
This would be a worthwhile low-impact intervention to explore further.


评论了 Research Grant Program
All grants have been paused until 2022.


评论了 Homeopathy for Covid-19 in Primary Care: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
An important investigation into alternative remedies for SARS-COV-2.


评论了 Trials
The journal has recently announced that "As of 1st September 2021, Trials will no longer be considering papers on the topic of complementary and alternative medicine." The rationale behind this decisions is that" in-depth subject knowledge to properly evaluate papers on the topic of complementary and alternative medicine to assess the intervention, the design of the trials, as well as the primary and secondary outcomes." This seems sensible, as research into complementary and alternative therapies do indeed present special challenges in the design of trials. However, it is not clear where the line will be drawn, as there is often a very large area in which "standard" and "alternative" overlap.


评论了 A Rational Choice Approach to the Use of Homeopathic Remedies
A valiant effort to apply the economic theory of rational choice to the use of homeopathic remedies. However, the authors' introductory statement about "undisputed statistical evidence" is not clear.