Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 SARS-CoV-2–Specific Antibodies in Breast Milk After COVID-19 Vaccination of Breastfeeding Women
Here is a real-life, real-time anecdote illustrating the importance of this kind of research: My daughter has been struggling with her toddler's day care center in Louisiana in the past few weeks, as the Delta variant strikes fear into the hearts of all parents of young children. Although the Governor of that state recently reinstated a statewide mask mandate, the daycare has been dragging its feet, then allowing all kinds of exemptions. Then she saw a doctor on TicTic summarize this study, and since her 22-month-old son is still nursing, she has been able to relax, knowing that she is able to protect him this way. What a world!


评论了 COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, health behaviors, and policy support
Hmmm--". . . no differences in cooperation with public health recommendations by conspiracy belief endorsement. . ." It's strange to think back to September 2020 as the good old days of cooperation with public health recommendations. Apparently we now have screaming parents rippins masks off of teachers' faces etc.


评论了 Evaluation of dietary magnesium intake among college students and its association with depression and anxiety
Unfortunately, this intriguing study only provides a "rationale" rather than a structured abstract, so it is difficult to determine whether it would be worth tracking down the full text.


评论了 Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and HPA axis dysregulation: Modulation by therapeutic drug treatment
Very thorough study; well written; provides food for thought regarding magnesium as an add-on to pharmaceutical treatments.


评论了 The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress—A Systematic Review
As with most systematic reviews, high-quality research stymies the systematic review process. Nonetheless, this freely-available published study provides promising evidence for many types of quasi-PTSD anxieties.


评论了 Therapeutic potential of castor oil in managing blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye
In my experience, few opthamologists are aware of adjunct therapies that may ease dry eye, and rely instead on insanely expensive prescription drops.


评论了 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Associated with Early Death Among Healthy Young and Middle-aged Baby Boomers and Generation Xers
An oddly-worded title. The study finds (unsurprisingly) an inverse association between cardiorespiratory fitness during middle adulthood and premature death, but the title, by not qualifying "cardiorespiratory fitness" implies that a state of fitness (good health and function) is positively associated with premature death.


评论了 Product experiences of clothing attachment in baby boomers in the United States
"The interpretive approach utilized in-depth interviews with 18 older baby boomers born between 1946 and 1955 to enquire about their experiences with attached clothing." Hah! Attached clothing? Like, surgically? I think the authors meant clothing to which people have an emotional attachment.


评论了 A Theory of Change for Aligning Health Care, Public Health, and Social Services in the Time of COVID-19
A timely question, but the examples are not detailed enough to add much to the literature.


评论了 Quantifying the foodshed: A systematic review of urban food flow and local food self-sufficiency research
Excellent graphic helps explain the different types of foodshed analyses. This study should be helpful in designing additional studies to understand how the CoVID pandemic shifted urban and rural food distribution paths.


评论了 Rapid Development of a Decision Support System to Alleviate Food Insecurity at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Amid the Covid‐19 Pandemic
The Introduction to this study provides a succinct and helpful understanding of various factors that created a food distribution crisis that developed alongside and was exacerbated by an infectious disease pandemic. More real-time analyses of successes and failures are needed to better design programs that are responsive enough to adjust to real-world circumstances.


评论了 Effects of probiotic supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis
This is a very nice systematic review and meta-analysis, with the full text freely available. It is still pretty shocking that of "2736 reports that were screened, 13 clinical trials met the inclusion criteria." SO many primary research projects lacking in quality!