Zachery Wolfe

United States Purdue University


评论了 Honeybee colonies compensate for pesticide-induced effects on royal jelly composition and brood survival with increased brood production
When the ecosystem puts up a fight, bees fight back harder. Still waiting on those insecticide resistant honeybees!! (which may never happen...)


评论了 Restoring Good Health in Elderly with Diverse Gut Microbiome and Food Intake Restriction to Combat COVID-19
The gut microbiome can make a significant difference (sometimes life or death) for those with severe illnesses such as covid. It can be partially controlled with diet!


评论了 Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Life of Higher Education Students: A Global Perspective
"... the lack of computer skills and the perception of a relatively higher workload prevented students from perceiving a higher performance while adapting to the ‘new normal’; namely, education from a distance." I can't imagine the covid situation with no internet or computer resources. These students have it the worst


评论了 Healthy obesity is not safe obesity
"A strictly healthy type of obesity is rare and its maintenance is even rarer; nearly 80% of these strictly healthy obese adults develop at least one metabolic risk factor after 20 years." It sounds like "healthy" obesity is a step or two away from actual obesity


评论了 Impact of Information on Northeastern U.S. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Aronia Berries
Here is more information on the aronia berry, in case you were like me and didn't know what an aronia berry was:


评论了 Lasso locomotion expands the climbing repertoire of snakes
This is so cool!!! I had never thought about the way snakes moved up trees


评论了 Microbiota dysbiosis in honeybee ( Apis mellifera L . ) larvae infected with brood diseases and foraging bees exposed to agrochemicals
Insecticides cause a shift in the gut microbiome of honeybees which, according to the authors, negatively affect their ability to resist diseases and absorb nutrients


评论了 Muscle building supplement use in Australian adolescent boys: relationships with body image, weight lifting, and sports engagement
Protein powder is no secret anymore, as shown by this study. Daily quantity of ingested protein has to be among the most predictive factors for muscle building and preservation


评论了 The Promise and Demise of LSD Psychotherapy in Norway
The problem with LSD therapy is you can't prove therapeutic effects with a double-blind experimental design. The subject will know whether they got the control or the real deal!!


评论了 Five sneaky motivation killers to avoid in graduate school
This is a pretty solid list, it's important to remind yourself from time to time that you can't put literally everything on your plate. You'll get overwhelmed!!!


评论了 Platypus and echidna genomes reveal mammalian biology and evolution
The figures in this publication are phenomenal. They used many different packages to illustrate clear differences in genome origin. Here are links to the paper and my favorite figure:


评论了 Writing for publication‐ implications of text recycling and cut and paste writing
I think AI could help solve this problem better than the current "scan-and-check" infrastructure (programs such as Ithenticate and Quetext)


评论了 Gut bacteria mediate aggregation in the German cockroach
Cockroaches are really good at bunching together and finding the perfect hiding spots. This landmark paper is proof of systematic aggregation for the species


评论了 ACA Marketplace Premiums Grew More Rapidly In Areas With Monopoly Insurers Than In Areas With More Competition
It looks like the increase in overall expenses was driven by increases in premiums for the lowest-cost plan, which is the last thing you want to see...


评论了 Strategic Alliance with Competitors in the Electric Vehicle Market: Tesla Motor’s Case
It's funny that Toyota and Tesla just announced a re-partnership after basically a decade apart - I wonder how auto manufacturing executive boards interpreted this paper when it came out 5 years ago...