Rae Dixon

United States Purdue University Global


Great webinar! Regular physical activity can help individuals think, learn, problem-solve, and enjoy an emotional balance. Plus, physical activity can improve memory and reduce anxiety or depression as well as reduce the risk of cognitive decline such as dementia.


评论了 Anti-aging research
I think the focus of lifestyle and habits are paramount for aging and public health awareness. One of the many things I focus on is work-life balance. This is vital in finding that balance both professionally and personally. With that said, work-life balance is significant factor with the overall aging process. Being happy and health has a positive impact on aging.


评论了 AI & your research work
With regard to AI, I'd like to segway a bit from research and dive into employer recruiting. One of the issues with recruiting and AI is that is doesn't always capture the correct picture of applicants. For example, if AI is being used for recruiting. Let's say the questions are "yes" and "no" questions. If someone selects no yet they have some experience but, maybe not the specified amount, this can lead to a rejected application. This creates a bottleneck of issues with AI and recruiting. With this said, this ties into AI and work-related research and best practices. Thoughts?


评论了 Unlocking the Power of AI in Language Learning
Technological advancements are contributing to how we communicate as well as how we learn. AI and language learning gives a lot of wonderful insight and opens up the doors for many exciting possibilities.


评论了 Mental health
I read an article today about the negative impact of student loans on mental health. Some of the reasons are that many Americans with debt may end up putting off other financial investments and milestones like buying a new home, saving for retirement, and having a family. Also, as individuals pay toward their student loan balance, they might not see it decrease. In fact, it could increase due to interest rates. This can be problematic to face. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/29/student-loan-debt-hurts-the-mental-health-of-most-borrowers.html


评论了 Occupational Hazards Associated with Quality and Training Needs in Public Health Inspectors in Greece
Interesting research. I'd really like to see this research conducted in the United States and with specific organizations. Might be fascinating to get a bigger picture of such findings.


评论了 A clinical masterclass on painful neuropathies
What an awesome webinar! Having worked in healthcare and understanding different painful neuropathies. It's so important that everyone is unique to their pain. This panel of four individuals really showcases the variability with painful neuropathies. They touch on psychosocial aspects as well as genetic mutation. In my professional perspective, painful neuropathies need to be examined holistically.


评论了 Mentorship
There are a few reasons why mentorship is important. One, it's a way to enhance learner and employee skills which aids in their development. Mentorship also brings a sense of awareness as to what might be affecting one's well-being such as feelings of low confidence and low self-esteem. Bringing this to the forefront, mentors may be able to provide some solutions to help learners and/or employees overcome these hurdles. Additionally, from an academic standpoint, mentorship helps learners with guidance and direction during the course of their academic journey. Plus, mentorship helps employees in their professional journey as well.


评论了 Effectiveness and human behavior in the business environment
Interesting poster. After reading this poster, I have a few questions for the authors. 1). Piggybacking off of Goran's earlier question, I'm interested in knowing how effective are administrators in a remote setting? 2). What about a hybrid setting?


评论了 Cybersecurity
Interesting article. On September 18, the cybersecurity community was shocked to find out about a development from a San Diego-based company called MemComputing (Mem) regarding a new, more imminent danger. According to the article, Mem was requested by the United State Air Force to use their technology to see if there was a way to easily crack PKI. MEM published a paper called “Scaling up prime factorization with self-organizing gates: A MemComputing Approach. Mem's research findings estimate their ASIC chip can crack RSA 2048 in two years or less using classical, not quantum, computing. In comparing best estimates to supercomputers that would likely take millions of years to do the same thing. Here's the deal, if Mem is correct, their development, not only a huge breakthrough, but it could cause a threat to the world’s public key encryption of which includes all internet data. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/11/14/cybersecurity-threats-just-got-worse/?sh=ee36e55ceeb4


评论了 Hot and Bothered: Current issues in climate-related health and what geoscience is doing about it
Great webinar and informative. Climate change has become a notable concern for individual health and well as public health. Some examples of the impact of climate change on human health are heat related illness or death, respiratory issues, mental health issues, and various injuries.


评论了 Mental health
I read an article on how routine screenings are missing about 40% of patients with depression and anxiety. In a nutshell, the anxiety and depression screenings/questionnaires that physician offices use many not be effective in identifying patients who need help. Some say it's due to the redundancy of the questions. What are your thoughts? https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/digital/routine-screenings-miss-over-40-patients-depression-anxiety


评论了 Environmental Stress in the Health Inequities of Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias Q&A Webinar
Great webinar! Environmental stressors are key players in one's health, mentally, physically, emotionally, and physiologically. With Alzheimer's disease, it's important to look at all contributing factors/aspects, including environmental stressors and the inequities in communities with less/lower resources.


评论了 Beyond the Stereotypes: Understanding OCD
Great webinar! Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be quite debilitating for individual's depending on the severity. There are stereotypes and misconceptions about the disorder. So, raising awareness is vital to help mitigate misconceptions and stereotypes. I know individuals with OCD and for them, it's distressful at times.


评论了 Adolescent sex risk: implications for mental health in emerging adulthood
Interesting research! I can see how parent-child sex communication coupled with parental warmth are linked to safer sex. Parenting style is influential in feelings of safety and security. Well into adulthood, one's relationship with their parent/parents has a significant impact on their personal relationships and even other areas of their life.