Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


评论了 Prevalence of allergic disorders and risk factors associated with food allergy in Turkish preschoolers
This is great in terms of creating guidelines especially when you read recommendations that egg whites should not be give until after one year of age. That can create high generalizability for guidelines.


评论了 We-intention to continue playing mobile multiplayer games: the role of social play habit
I think it becomes very easy to invest time and/or money into something that gives us pleasure, fun, social connection, challenge, etc.


评论了 Mastering board games
It is certainly amazing to see what AI capabilities there are even with what we may view as very simplistic as a game.


评论了 Ginsenosides: the need to move forward from bench to clinical trials
There have been a number of studies since this one with its effect for therapies.


评论了 Clinical Nutrition Internship Program
Links leads to summer 2020 cycle. But this is a great opportunity and getting a stipend is great as I believe internships should have incentives.


评论了 Connections for Cardiovascular Health
"In 2022, the Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM Next Generation program will hold a closed funding cycle for current Grant Awardees." Great aspect of mentorship in the program


评论了 Collective decision making in dynamic environments
Balance is the word I thought immediately with stubborn agents and opinion switching. It is normal in my eyes, but too much of it can be detrimental.


评论了 Wheat Bran Modifications for Enhanced Nutrition and Functionality in Selected Food Products
Curious to see what gaps are identified and the usage in foods in the future


评论了 Assessment of health risks and individuals’ willingness to participate in drinking water management at flood-prone Pahang River Basin, Malaysia
With many behaviors, perception has a lot to do with a person's decision making.


评论了 Operating Grant : Emerging COVID-19 Research Gaps and Priorities Funding
The link leads to last year's grant application information. Here is the link to all the funding opportunities through CIHR:


评论了 Establishing a Contact Tracing Center: A University and Public Health Department Partnership
Positive outcome through collaboration. This is shown to be for university cases. It would be great to have this set up for community cases instead of having separate entities conducting case investigation in different methods in person or remote. Having a comprehensive system can potentially make it easier to manage.


New grant application period March 10-31, 2023. "With this grant, the Cultural Foundation aims to support art that is meaningful for more and more people and, thereby, for society as a whole. The purpose of this form of support is to fund art projects that make an impact and touch, in addition to art experts, the wider public. As the importance of proceeds from ticket sales can be expected to grow as a source of funding, the purpose simultaneously lends support to the expansion of production funding bases."


评论了 VicHealth Impact Research Grants
The last impact research grant cycle end was from February 2021. The PDF of guidelines can be found, but not seen on the website.


评论了 Ice Skating (Figure Skating) 101: A Lifelong Fitness Activity!
With the Winter Olympics, have been watching a lot of figure skating. It is awesome to think about how we can do this with our friends and family, have fun, and exercise. I wish it was more accessible in places that there aren't any ice rinks or anything.