4.6 Article

Thermal Suitability of the Los Angeles River for Cold Water Resident and Migrating Fish Under Physical Restoration Alternatives



DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.749085


river temperature; environmental flows; mechanistic modeling; multilayer linear regression; restoration; Los Angeles River; fish migration; climate change


  1. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
  2. City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation
  3. Los Angeles County Flood Control District
  4. Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
  5. City of Los Angeles
  6. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
  7. Bureau of Sanitation (BoS)
  8. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LADPW)
  9. Los Angeles County Flood Sanitation Districts (LACSD)
  10. Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA)
  11. joint powers authority between the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
  12. Los Angeles County Flood Control District
  13. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA)
  14. joint power of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
  15. Conejo Recreation and Park District
  16. Ranch Simi Recreation and Park District


Anthropogenic development has negatively impacted river habitat and species diversity in urban rivers. The Los Angeles River, as an example, has been heavily modified for flood control purposes, resulting in unfavorable conditions for cold water fish species. Efforts are now being made to restore suitable environmental flows and improve channel hydraulic conditions, but thermal restoration should also be considered to support fish migration and native fish populations.
Anthropogenic development has adversely affected river habitat and species diversity in urban rivers, and existing habitats are jeopardized by future uncertainties in water resources management and climate. The Los Angeles River (LAR), for example, is a highly modified system that has been mostly channelized for flood control purposes, has altered hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, and is thermally altered (warmed), which severely limits the habitat suitability for cold water fish species. Efforts are currently underway to provide suitable environmental flows and improve channel hydraulic conditions, such as depth and velocity, for adult fish migration from the Pacific Ocean to upstream spawning areas. However, the thermal responses of restoration alternatives for resident and migrating cold water fish have not been fully investigated. Using a mechanistic model, we simulated the LAR's water temperature under baseline conditions and future alternative restoration scenarios for migration of the native, anadromous steelhead trout in Southern California and the historically resident Santa Ana sucker. We considered three scenarios: 1) increasing roughness of the low-flow channel, 2) increasing the depth and width of the low-flow channel, and 3) allowing subsurface inflow to the river at a soft bottom reach in the LA downtown area. Our analysis indicates that the maximum weekly average temperature (MaxWAT) in the baseline condition was 28.9 degrees C, suggesting that the current river temperatures would act as a limiting factor during the steelhead migration season and habitat for Santa Ana sucker. The MaxWAT dropped about 3%-28 degrees C after applying all the considered scenarios at the study site, which is 3 degrees C higher than the determined steelhead survival threshold. Our simulations suggest that without consideration of thermal restoration, restoring hydraulic conditions may be insufficient to support cold water fish migration or year-round resident native fish populations, particularly with potential river temperature increases due to climate change.








