4.7 Article

Comparing Calculated Nutrient Intakes Using Different Food Composition Databases: Results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Cohort


卷 12, 期 10, 页码 -


DOI: 10.3390/nu12102906


food composition database; nutrient database; EPIC; ENDB; USDA


  1. Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) [189019N, V427019N]
  2. European Commission (DG-SANCO)
  3. International Agency for Research on Cancer
  4. Danish Cancer Society (Denmark)
  5. Ligue Contre le Cancer (France)
  6. Institut Gustave Roussy (France)
  7. Mutuelle Generale de l'Education Nationale (France)
  8. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) (France)
  9. German Cancer Aid (Germany)
  10. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) (Germany)
  11. Federal Ministry otabef Education and Research (BMBF) (Germany)
  12. Hellenic Health Foundation
  13. Stavros Niarchos Foundation
  14. Italian Association for Research on Cancer (AIRC)
  15. National Research Council
  16. Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS)
  17. Netherlands Cancer Registry (NKR)
  18. LK Research Funds
  19. Dutch Prevention Funds
  20. Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland)
  21. World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)
  22. Statistics Netherlands (the Netherlands)
  23. Health Research Fund (FIS)
  24. Regional Government of Andalucia
  25. Regional Government of Asturias
  26. Regional Government of Basque Country
  27. Regional Government of Murcia [6236]
  28. Regional Government of Navarra
  29. Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red en Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (Spain)
  30. Instituto de Salud Carlos II (ISCIII RETIC) (Spain) [RD06/0020]
  31. Swedish Cancer Society
  32. Swedish Scientific Council
  33. Regional Government of Skane and Vasterbotten (Sweden)
  34. Cancer Research UK
  35. Medical Research Council
  36. Stroke Association
  37. British Heart Foundation
  38. Department of Health
  39. Food Standards Agency
  40. Wellcome Trust (UK)
  41. Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom) [14136, C570/A16491, C8221/A19170]
  42. Medical Research Council (United Kingdom) [1000143, MR/M012190/1]
  43. Associazione Iblea per la Ricerca Epidemiologica (AIRE-ONLUS) Ragusa (Italy)
  44. Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangu (AVIS) Ragusa (Italy)
  45. Sicilian Government (Italy)


This study aimed to compare calculated nutrient intakes from two different food composition databases using data from the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Dietary intake data of the EPIC cohort was recently matched to 150 food components from the U.S. nutrient database (USNDB). Twenty-eight of these nutrients were already included in the EPIC nutrient database (ENDB-based upon country specific food composition tables), and used for comparison. Paired sample t-tests, Pearson's correlations (r), weighted kappa's (kappa) and Bland-Altman plots were used to compare the dietary intake of 28 nutrients estimated by the USNDB and the ENDB for 476,768 participants. Small but significant differences were shown between the USNDB and the ENDB for energy and macronutrient intakes. Moderate to very strong correlations (r = 0.60-1.00) were found for all macro- and micronutrients. A strong agreement (kappa > 0.80) was found for energy, water, total fat, carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, potassium and vitamin C, whereas a weak agreement (kappa < 0.60) was found for starch, vitamin D and vitamin E. Dietary intakes estimated via the USNDB compare adequately with those obtained via the ENDB for most macro- and micronutrients, although the agreement was weak for starch, vitamin D and vitamin E. The USNDB will allow exposure assessments for 150 nutrients to investigate associations with disease outcomes within the EPIC cohort.








