4.7 Article

SHαDE: survey description and mass-kinematics scaling relations for dwarf galaxies



DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2716


Galaxy kinematics and dynamics; Galaxy stellar content; Galaxy structure


  1. European Southen Observatory telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory [0101.B-0505(A), 0101.B-0505(B), 0101.B-05050(C)]
  2. Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) [CE170100013]
  3. Australia Government Research Training Program Scholarship
  4. H2020 ERC Consolidator Grant [683184]
  5. Australian Research Council Future Fellowship - Australian Government [FT180100066]
  6. Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-skyAstrophysics (CAASTRO) [CE110001020]
  7. American Museum of Natural History
  8. Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
  9. University of Basel
  10. University of Cambridge
  11. Case Western Reserve University
  12. University of Chicago
  13. Institute for Advanced Study
  14. Japan Participation Group
  15. Johns Hopkins University
  16. Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
  17. Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
  18. Korean Scientist Group
  19. Chinese Academy of Sciences (The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope, LAMOST)
  20. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  21. Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA)
  22. Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA)
  23. New Mexico State University
  24. Ohio State University
  25. University of Pittsburgh
  26. University of Portsmouth
  27. Princeton University
  28. United States Naval Observatory
  29. University of Washington
  30. Drexel University
  31. Fermilab
  32. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  33. National Science Foundation
  34. U.S. Department of Energy
  35. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  36. Japanese Monbukagakusho
  37. Max Planck Society
  38. Higher Education Funding Council for England


The Study of H alpha from Dwarf Emissions (SH alpha DE) is a high spectral resolution (R = 13 500) Ha integral field survey of 69 dwarf galaxies with stellar masses 10(6) < M-star < 10(9) M-circle dot. The survey used FLAMES on the ESO Very Large Telescope. SH alpha DE is designed to study the kinematics and stellar populations of dwarf galaxies using consistent methods applied to massive galaxies and at matching level of detail, connecting these mass ranges in an unbiased way. In this paper, we set out the science goals of SH alpha DE, describe the sample properties, outline the data reduction, and analysis processes. We investigate the log M-star-log S-0.5 mass-kinematics scaling relation, which has previously shown potential for combining galaxies of all morphologies in a single scaling relation. We extend the scaling relation from massive galaxies to dwarf galaxies, demonstrating this relation is linear down to a stellar mass of M-star similar to 10(8.6) M-circle dot. Below this limit, the kinematics of galaxies inside one effective radius appears to be dominated by the internal velocity dispersion limit of the H alpha-emitting gas, giving a bend in the log M-star-log S-0.5 relation. Replacing stellar mass with total baryonic mass using gas mass estimate reduces the severity but does not remove the linearity limit of the scaling relation. An extrapolation to estimate the galaxies' dark matter halo masses, yields a logM(h)-log S-0.5 scaling relation that is free of any bend, has reduced curvature over the whole mass range, and brings galaxies of all masses and morphologies on to the virial relation.








