4.6 Review

Parameterized quantum circuits as machine learning models


卷 4, 期 4, 页码 -


DOI: 10.1088/2058-9565/ab4eb5


quantum computing; quantum machine learning; hybrid quantum-classical systems; noisy intermediate-scale quantum technology


  1. UKEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)


Hybrid quantum-classical systems make it possible to utilize existing quantum computers to their fullest extent. Within this framework, parameterized quantum circuits can be regarded as machine learning models with remarkable expressive power. This Review presents the components of these models and discusses their application to a variety of data-driven tasks, such as supervised learning and generative modeling. With an increasing number of experimental demonstrations carried out on actual quantum hardware and with software being actively developed, this rapidly growing field is poised to have a broad spectrum of real-world applications.









Article Quantum Science & Technology

Structure optimization for parameterized quantum circuits

Mateusz Ostaszewski, Edward Grant, Marcello Benedetti

Summary: Our proposed method efficiently optimizes both the structure and parameter values of quantum circuits with minimal computational overhead, showing better performance for shallow circuits with structure optimization, making it suitable for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Demonstrated by optimizing a variational quantum eigensolver for finding ground states of Lithium Hydride and the Heisenberg model in simulation, and for finding the ground state of Hydrogen gas on the IBM Melbourne quantum computer.

QUANTUM (2021)

Article Quantum Science & Technology

Quantum Annealing Initialization of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Stefan H. Sack, Maksym Serbyn

Summary: The study shows that random initialization for QAOA tends to converge to local minima with sub-optimal performance, while the TQA initialization method can circumvent this issue and achieve the same performance as random initialization over a broad range of time steps. The optimal time step coincides with the proliferation of Trotter errors in quantum annealing.

QUANTUM (2021)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

F-Divergences and Cost Function Locality in Generative Modelling with Quantum Circuits

Chiara Leadbeater, Louis Sharrock, Brian Coyle, Marcello Benedetti

Summary: This work explores a hybrid quantum-classical approach to generative modelling using a quantum circuit born machine, training it with f-divergences. Two heuristics are introduced to enhance training, one involving f-divergence switching and the other introducing locality to the divergence to mitigate barren plateaus. The long-term implications of quantum devices for computing f-divergences are discussed, including the development of algorithms for estimating f-divergences with quadratic speedups.

ENTROPY (2021)

Article Physics, Applied

Variational Inference with a Quantum Computer

Marcello Benedetti, Brian Coyle, Mattia Fiorentini, Michael Lubasch, Matthias Rosenkranz

Summary: Inference is the task of drawing conclusions about unobserved variables given observations of related variables, and variational inference is an effective approximation method. In this work, quantum Born machines are used as variational distributions over discrete variables, implementing the framework of operator variational inference.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

A case study of variational quantum algorithms for a job shop scheduling problem

David Amaro, Matthias Rosenkranz, Nathan Fitzpatrick, Koji Hirano, Mattia Fiorentini

Summary: In this study, four variational quantum heuristics were applied to the job shop scheduling problem on IBM's superconducting quantum processors. The results showed that the filtering variational quantum eigensolver (F-VQE) outperformed other algorithms in terms of convergence speed and sampling the global optimum.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Filtering variational quantum algorithms for combinatorial optimization

David Amaro, Carlo Modica, Matthias Rosenkranz, Mattia Fiorentini, Marcello Benedetti, Michael Lubasch

Summary: This article introduces a method that utilizes filtering operators to enhance combinatorial optimization efficiency, and explores the application of causal cones to reduce the number of qubits required. Through numerical analysis and experimental validation, the method outperforms traditional algorithms in the context of maximum weighted graph cut problems.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Bayesian learning of parameterised quantum circuits

Samuel Duffield, Marcello Benedetti, Matthias Rosenkranz

Summary: Currently available quantum computers face challenges such as hardware noise and limited qubit count. Variational quantum algorithms, which employ a classical optimizer to train parameterized quantum circuits, have gained significant attention for practical applications of quantum technology in the near term. This study reframes classical optimization as an approximation of a Bayesian posterior from a probabilistic viewpoint. The posterior is induced by combining the cost function to be minimized with a prior distribution over the quantum circuit's parameters. A dimension reduction strategy based on a maximum a posteriori point estimate with a Laplace prior is described. Experiments on the Quantinuum H1-2 computer demonstrate that the resulting circuits execute faster and with less noise compared to circuits trained without dimension reduction. Additionally, a posterior sampling strategy based on stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics is described, showing capability to generate samples from the full posterior and avoid local optima on numerical simulations of three different problems.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Predicting Gibbs-State Expectation Values with Pure Thermal Shadows

Luuk Coopmans, Yuta Kikuchi, Marcello Benedetti

Summary: We propose a quantum algorithm that predicts M linear functions of an arbitrary Gibbs state by evolving a random pure state in imaginary time and constructing classical shadows. We implement this algorithm using quantum signal processing and verify its efficiency numerically. Furthermore, we demonstrate its successful application as a subroutine for training a fully connected quantum Boltzmann machine with eight qubits.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Entanglement-based observables for quantum impurities

Lidia Stocker, Stefan H. Sack, Michael S. Ferguson, Oded Zilberberg

Summary: This paper proposes using the purity as an indicator for the formation of strong correlations to observe impurity physics and verifies the feasibility of this approach by solving the open Kondo box model in the small box limit. The study characterizes the metal-to-insulator phase transition in the system and identifies the quenching of the conducting dot-lead Kondo singlet by the formation of an insulating intraimpurity singlet. Additionally, an experimentally feasible tomography protocol for the measurement of purity is proposed, which motivates the observation of impurity physics through the buildup of entanglement.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Avoiding Barren Plateaus Using Classical Shadows

Stefan H. Sack, Raimel A. Medina, Alexios A. Michailidis, Richard Kueng, Maksym Serbyn

Summary: Variational quantum algorithms show promise for achieving quantum advantage on near-term devices. However, the presence of barren plateaus, with vanishing gradients, in the optimization landscape hinders efficient optimization. In this work, a general algorithm is proposed to avoid barren plateaus by introducing the concept of weak barren plateaus (WBPs) and utilizing shadow tomography with classical computers. The study demonstrates that avoiding WBPs ensures non-negligible gradients during initialization and can be further achieved during the optimization process by decreasing the gradient step size based on entropies.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Variational quantum amplitude estimation

Kirill Plekhanov, Matthias Rosenkranz, Mattia Fiorentini, Michael Lubasch

Summary: This study proposes amplitude estimation using constant-depth quantum circuits that approximately represent states during amplitude amplification. In the context of Monte Carlo integration, it is numerically shown that shallow circuits can accurately approximate multiple amplitude amplification steps. The variational approach is combined with maximum likelihood amplitude estimation to form variational quantum amplitude estimation (VQAE). To reduce computational requirements, adaptive VQAE is proposed and numerically demonstrated to outperform classical MC sampling in simulations with 6 to 12 qubits.

QUANTUM (2022)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithms for time evolution

Marcello Benedetti, Mattia Fiorentini, Michael Lubasch

Summary: Parameterized quantum circuits are a promising technology for achieving quantum advantage, particularly in variational simulation of time evolution. The authors present hardware-efficient alternatives to the time-dependent variational principle, reducing hardware requirements significantly. The algorithms proposed systematically increase accuracy and hardware requirements for real time evolution scenarios, with numerical analysis demonstrating performance using quantum Hamiltonians with local interactions.

