A guide to writing high impact publications: Getting published in top journals

已录制 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2301w5997945)

Jan 19, 2023 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) 切换时区
Dr. Clark Holdsworth

Senior Manager, Communications & Partnerships (LetPub)

Dr. Holdsworth oversees communications projects and partnerships at LetPub. LetPub has thousands of interactions with authors and journals annually. Dr. Holdsworth and the Learning Nexus Team filter these experiences into an intuitive and effective educational experience for authors and journal editors.

Communicating science is a required task for the research community to function. However, aligning with publishing norms is a severe hurdle, which is felt the most acutely by students, early career researchers, English-as-a-second language researchers, and emerging country researchers. This webinar aims to provide clear, concise guidance for each aspect of manuscript preparation.

Dr. Clark Holdsworth, Senior Manager at LetPub has spent a large portion of his career educating and training scientists from these groups to improve their scholarly writing skills and successfully align with norms and practices established by the research community. In this webinar, we’ll lay out both the general and the section-by-section guidance for writing effective and successful original research articles.

Topics include:
• Structuring an introduction
• Key elements for a methods section
• Comprehensive and error-free reporting of results
• Insightful discussion and the careful wording of conclusions

A certificate of completion will be provided after the session.

Join this webinar at 8 AM EST Thursday, January 19 (9 PM GMT+8 on Thursday, January 19).
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