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ICTs to promote student participation in classrooms

发表日期 December 20, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2312p1345254)



Keila Yujaira Hernandez Cruz1 , Jhosseline Del Rosario Sagrero Chan1 , Eduardo Enrique Casonova Betancourt1 , Kenia Yajaira Hernandez Cruz1 , Myritzy Carolina Torres Cruz1 , Jonathan Said Arenas Chable1 , Ivette Stephany Pacheco Farfán1
  1. Tecnnológico Nacionale de México / ITS de Escárcega


Primer Simposium Institucional, December 2023 (Tecnológico Nacional de México / ITS de Escárcega, Mexico)


This project requires designing an app to encourage participation in the classrooms. The need arises since in schools there is little participation by students in person and through the use of ICT, a more direct and efficient interaction is achieved. Active participation in the classroom is essential for the comprehensive development of students. It not only contributes to academic learning, but also cultivates social skills and practical skills that are valuable in everyday life and future careers. This contributes to motivation and increased interest in the topic.


Technology, Participation in classes, Education


Education, Computer and Information Science


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  2. Baena, M. R. (2020, June 19). The importance of ICTs in education. Flup. https://www.flup.es/importancia-tics-educacion/
  3. Hernandez, R.M. (2017). Impact of ICT in education 5(1), 325-347.
  4. Ytalo. (2023, September 3). Benefits and advantages of ICTs in the educational field - Escuela de Teachers del Perú. School of Teachers of Peru. https://epperu.org/beneficios-y-ventajas-de-las-tics-en-el-ambito-educativo/






No competing interests were disclosed.
The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Copyright © 2023 Hernandez Cruz et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Hernandez Cruz, K., Sagrero Chan, J., Casonova Betancourt, E., Hernandez Cruz, K., Torres Cruz, M., Arenas Chable, J., Pacheco Farfán, I. ICTs to promote student participation in classrooms [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).

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