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The structural-mechanical properties of the molding pastes and the granular magnesium aluminates depending on the preparation conditions
发表日期 June 30, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2306p9712001)
Aleksey Zhuzhgov1 , Vasily Kruglyakov1 , Roman Protsenko1 , Lyubov Isupova1
- Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
- The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials (ASAM-8), July 2023 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
- The use of magnesium aluminate as a carrier of catalysts in different catalytic processes is of significant practical interest due to neutral acid-base characteristics of the surface and its high thermal stability. Traditional methods of obtaining of alkali-earth metals aluminates are a ceramic (with high-temperature sintering) and a sol-gel. We previously published the results of obtaining of alkali-earth metals aluminates using a hydrothermal treatment of a suspension of the product of thermal activation of Gibbsite in salts solutions with the production of powder material after mild calcining of formed gels [1-3], while granular supports and catalysts are used in catalytic processes. The purpose of the work is to obtain granules of the carrier based on the magnesium aluminate with the spinel structure with high values of the specific surface area, mechanical strength and volume of pores
- Magnesium aluminate, Molding, Granules, Mechanical strength of pastes
- Chemical Engineering
- Zhuzhgov A.V., Kruglyakov V.Y., Suprun E.A., Protsenko R.S., Isupova L.A.//Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2021. Т. 94. № 2. С. 152-161.
- Раtent RU 2735668 S1, 05.11.2020.
- Zhuzhgov A.V., Kruglyakov V.Y., Glazneva T.S., Suprun E.A., Isupova L.A. Wasteless Synthesis and Properties of Highly Dispersed MgAl2O4 Based on Product of Thermal Activation of Gibbsite // Chemistry. 2022. V. 4. N. 2. P. 316-328. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemistry4020024.
- This work was supported by the budget project for the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (No. AAAA-A21-121011490008-3)
- 暂无数据
- 利益冲突
- No competing interests were disclosed.
- 数据可用性声明
- The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
- 知识共享许可协议
- Copyright © 2023 Zhuzhgov et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Zhuzhgov, A., Kruglyakov, V., Protsenko, R., Isupova, L. The structural-mechanical properties of the molding pastes and the granular magnesium aluminates depending on the preparation conditions [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).
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