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Advances to enhance the utility of traditional wind-driven rain studies already available in multiple regions

发表日期 February 18, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2302p7303971)



Javier Domínguez-Hernández1 , José M. Pérez-Bella1
  1. Department of Construction Engineering, Engineering and Architecture School, University of Zaragoza.


1st International Conference on Moisture in Buildings, June 2021 (London, United Kingdom)


For decades, wind-driven rain studies have been performed in multiple regions to characterise the façade exposure to rainwater penetration. These studies have been invariably conditioned by the exhaustiveness of the available climatic records, traditionally providing scalar exposure results based on the Driving Rain Index. It is only recently that accurate directional analyses have begun to be developed by using, where available, hourly climatic records according to standard ISO 15927-3. Consequently, most countries still lack an accurate characterisation of the most unfavourable exposure that can occur on their building façades. This work presents recent advances and new contributions that allow a novel reinterpretation of the traditional wind-driven rain studies, identifying these exposures from the scalar characterisation already available.


Wind-driven rain, Wind pressure, Directional exposure, Façade design, Watertightness


Civil Engineering, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences


  1. Blocken, B., & Carmeliet, J. (2004). A review of wind-driven rain research in building science. J Wind Eng Ind Aerod, 92(13), 1079–1130.
  2. Domínguez, J., Pérez, J.M., Alonso, M., Cano, E., & del Coz, J.J. (2017). Assessment of water penetration risk in building facades throughout Brazil. Build Res Inf, 45(5), 492-507.
  3. Pérez, J.M., Domínguez, J., Cano, E., del Coz, J.J., & Martín, A. (2014). Procedure for a detailed territorial assessment of wind-driven rain and driving-rain wind pressure and its implementation to three Spanish regions. J Wind Eng Ind Aerod, 128, 76–89.
  4. Pérez, J.M., Domínguez, J., Cano, E., del Coz, J.J., & Alonso, M. (2018). On the significance of the climate-dataset time resolution in characterising wind-driven rain and simultaneous wind pressure. Part I: scalar approach. Stoch Env Res Risk A, 32, 1783-1797.
  5. Pérez, J.M., Domínguez, J., Cano, E., del Coz, J.J., & Álvarez, F.P. (2018). On the significance of the climatedataset time resolution in characterising wind-driven rain and simultaneous wind pressure. Part II: directional analysis. Stoch Env Res Risk A, 32, 1799-1815.
  6. European Committee for Standardization. (2009). EN ISO 15927-3. Hygrothermal performance of buildings. Calculation and presentation of climatic data. Part 3: Calculation of a driving rain index for vertical surfaces from hourly wind and rain data. Brussels.
  7. Pérez, J.M., Domínguez, J., Cano, E., Martínez, J.E., & del Coz, J.J. (2020). Avoiding the need to directionally determine the exposure to rainwater penetration for façade designs. Build Environ, 176:106850.






No competing interests were disclosed.
The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Copyright © 2023 Domínguez-Hernández et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Domínguez-Hernández, J., Pérez-Bella, J. Advances to enhance the utility of traditional wind-driven rain studies already available in multiple regions [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).

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