认证评论 - Ecosystem Services
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

一只汤圆 2022-10-06

Submitted for three months, it has been in the hands of the editor all along. I wrote numerous reminder emails, but in the end, the article was rejected. Fellow students who are in a hurry to graduate, please be cautious when submitting, as the review process takes an incredibly long time.

tao 2022-04-08

The submission was rejected after one month without any feedback. There is a suspicion of only accepting submissions from fixed authors. It is advised to be cautious when submitting.

毛毛 2021-11-30

10.27, "Submit to Journal"
11.6, "with editor"
11.29, "reject", without providing any revision suggestions
Took over a month, rejected without any feedback, didn't understand why it took so long?

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