认证评论 - AMB Express
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

婷小兔 2022-08-03

Submitted in late January 2022, a few days later the manuscript was returned with strict requests for format modifications. The format was revised twice before uploading the revised version at the end of January. In late June, the editorial feedback was received, requiring minor revisions. In early July, the revised version was uploaded again, and by the end of July, it was accepted.

KOH_qin 2022-07-12

The submission started on January 27th and the review comments were only given on July 11th. There were both positive and negative feedback, and the editor made the decision to reject the submission. From May to July, I sent approximately 10 reminder letters, seriously questioning the review speed of this journal. Finally, in July, the editor couldn't bear it anymore and rejected the submission. It might be bad luck to encounter such an editor.

Miami 2022-02-08

Submit by the end of September and accept by mid-January. The initial assignment of reviewers was very slow (taking 2 months), and major revisions were given in mid-December. After returning the revised version in early January, the speed was comparatively faster. The editor has high requirements for formatting. Overall, the difficulty is not significant.

QQA 2021-05-24

A review article I submitted to Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology was suggested by the editor to be transferred to AMB Express (I know it was because my writing was not good enough). It was transferred on January 28th, accepted on February 4th, and published online on February 17th. I noticed that the journal pays great attention to formatting, both AMB and AMBE.

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