认证评论 - Water Science and Technology-Water Supply
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倾半生少年 2022-08-21

Where is the last one? Before submitting, you can only choose OA in front, and there is nothing behind.

Zachary 2022-05-17

According to the latest journal classification by JCR, this journal has merged with Water Supply (which is actually an independent supplement under Water Science and Technology), collectively referred to as Water Supply. In order to develop Water Supply, IWA will basically transfer articles received by WS&T to WS with the consent of the authors (as I know from my and my colleagues' submission experience). Therefore, there is basically no separate publication called Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, only Water Supply.

douboshi 2022-01-10

The last option is to choose whether to have OA (open access). Choose NO if you do not want to personally pay for the magazine fee.

付纪薇 2021-12-28

That Water Science and Technology is also like this, how can it not be chosen as OA?

付纪薇 2021-12-28

Why are there only OA options when submitting a manuscript?

sakura 2021-07-23

The editor is responsible and works very quickly. The submission was made on December 5th and went through a major revision and a minor revision before being accepted on March 16th the following year.

嘴强王者 2021-07-06

The review process was indeed not very fast. It took 5 and a half months for them to provide just one review comment. The overall evaluation was very good, suggesting only minor revisions. The editor gave a conditional acceptance subject to revision. I made the revisions on June 30th, and it was accepted on July 2nd. After returning from a break, I got another SCI paper, although it is in the fourth quartile, I am still very happy!

一个放牛的博士 2021-06-20

Hello, may I ask what is the word limit? Is there a limit for the charts?

daisy21 2021-05-14

Hello, has the confirmation email for the collaboration partner's email been sent to all authors? I haven't received the email either.

大娃娃 2021-05-05

Good magazine, approximately 1 week after submission, under review. Received response and revisions after 2 months. Returned after 1 month of revisions, accepted after 1 and a half months. Overall, the speed is good, taking a total of 4 and a half months.

CRJ 2021-03-06

The review speed is quite fast. It is recommended to polish it before submitting.

加油粉 2021-02-08

May I ask everyone if the word count of the article includes references? The editor did not mention exceeding the word count, so does that mean there is no issue with the word count? May I ask everyone if the word count of the article includes references? The editor did not mention exceeding the word count, so does that mean there is no issue with the word count?

加油粉 2021-02-07

May I ask everyone if the word count of the article includes the references? The editor did not mention exceeding the word count, so does that mean there is no issue with the word count?

恋-空324 2021-01-09

The first SCI paper was received with revision comments after one and a half months of submission. It was required to complete the revisions within 21 days and was subsequently accepted for publication. This journal values the English expression ability and suggests submitting the paper after polishing, which increases the chances of acceptance.

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