认证评论 - Nanotechnology Reviews
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小白123456 2022-02-06

How many reviewers are there? Do they provide the review comments all at once?

小白123456 2022-01-31

Will it still be under review after minor repairs?

南凡 2022-01-17

Hello, I would like to ask if this journal requires solicited contributions for comprehensive review articles.

孙富贵 2021-10-26

Submit on the 9th of March, repair on the 20th, submit after major repairs on the 29th, and be hired on the 16th of October, very quickly.

我是科研狗 2021-10-22

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this magazine?

PhelanL 2021-09-15

The reviewing process is fast! There are a total of 6 reviewers' comments, among which 2 are major revisions. The comments provided are very detailed and useful!

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