认证评论 - Journal of Sensors
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张希恒 2023-07-20

Did you ever encounter a similar situation where major revisions were made and then it was sent back to the editor for approval, but there were potential issues during the peer review process, resulting in it being re-invited for review?

陈恒天 2023-05-08

The translation of the text "时间是4个月" into English is "The time is 4 months."

陈恒天 2023-05-08

2022-12-31, submission. In the early stage, I didn't use the institutional email for submission, so I went back and forth for half a month.
On April 9th, I made several revisions during the revision process, and even mentioned withdrawing the submission. There were four reviewers, and three of them provided feedback. Two reviewers suggested revisions, while one had no comments.
I submitted the revised manuscript on April 17th.
On May 3rd, the quality inspector emailed me to modify the images in the article.
I submitted the revised version on May 5th.
It was returned again on May 7th.
On May 8th, I emailed to inquire about the reason, and the editor said it was because the corresponding author had not linked the OCRID number. I linked it on the same day and confirmed it, and the system showed "PUBLISH".
The editor's email response speed is relatively good. It is recommended that everyone cc themselves when sending emails, such as using 163 email. Our institution's email takes one hour to receive emails from the publisher.

littlevideo 2023-04-07

The submission was rejected, and neither my supervisor nor my edu email received any emails. What's going on? Any classmates experiencing something similar?

littlevideo 2023-04-04

Submitted on April 1st, currently the status is unsigned. May I ask when will it typically be "with editor" and "under review"?

九天揽月666 2023-04-03

Excuse me, did you send a reminder email asking about the progress?

orangeckk 2023-03-29

I'm so drunk, inviting the reviewer again for the second minor revision is so stupid.

九天揽月666 2023-03-28

It has been over a month since I resubmitted the revised version, but it is still under review. I heard that Hindawi is currently undergoing internal reorganization. It's really frustrating.

bing176 2023-03-20

Brother, how long has AE been invited for?

陈恒天 2023-03-18

It has been 3 months and there is still no result. PENDING APPROVAL is already over 10 days, and the official website says that the first round of results will be given in 47 days. It's just...

bing176 2023-02-24

Did you win the lottery? How long is the submission cycle?

bing176 2023-02-07

May I ask how long did the original poster invest and did they succeed?

只想毕业哈 2022-08-24

Excuse me, how far along is the author with the article? Can you please provide some information? I'm in a hurry to graduate, and this journal is really causing me trouble.

只想毕业哈 2022-08-24

My current round of AE INVITED, I don't know if anyone has encountered such a situation, I really want to die.

只想毕业哈 2022-08-17

Hello, is it convenient to add WeChat? 18003431662

只想毕业哈 2022-08-17

May I ask how the second invitation to the reviewer is going now?

只想毕业哈 2022-08-17

Hello, may I ask how your article is doing now? Mine also underwent major revisions, and yesterday I was informed during internal review that I need to invite editors and reviewers again.

李大爷的爸爸 2022-06-26

Garbage journal, extremely slow speed, far inferior to other open-access journals. Hindawi has hardly any high impact factor and high quartile journals, mostly consisting of fourth quartile journals. The speed is comparable to that of a snail. I strongly discourage submitting articles with hopes of early acceptance.

李大爷的爸爸 2022-06-17

It has been almost three months since I was invited to review after my major revision. Can we consider doing a test draft now?

李大爷的爸爸 2022-06-17

How long did it take you to reach the final review?

芜湖螺 2022-06-16

May I ask who the reminder letter is for? It has been two and a half months since the submission, and we are still waiting for the invitation to review.

李大爷的爸爸 2022-05-10

May I ask, do you invite reviewers again after major revisions? How long does it take to invite reviewers again? It has been over a month since I invited reviewers after major revisions, but I still haven't found anyone suitable. In theory, I shouldn't have to invite reviewers again, right?

lilitju 2022-05-04

It has been 20 days since submission, and the Academic Editor is still unassigned.

BK196 2022-04-19

Submission in October 2020
One major revision
Accepted in April 2021

李大爷的爸爸 2022-04-15

The speed is too slow, what's even more frustrating is that after the major revision, it was not sent to the previous reviewer. Having to invite a new reviewer again, it's really frustrating.

chenyun85 2022-03-09

Could you please tell me how long it takes to receive the proofreading notification and publish it online after paying the layout fee? It has been over a week since I paid the layout fee, but I haven't received any updates.

chenyun85 2022-03-09

May I ask how long it takes to proofread and publish online after paying the layout fee?

李大爷的爸爸 2022-03-01

Wow, it's so fast. Why does mine keep switching between "invited" and "submitted" in AE? It has been a month already.

天涯海角666 2022-01-31

12.22 submitted
1.6 pending approval
1.9 minor
1.11 revised
1.26 accept

12.22 submitted
1.6 pending approval
1.9 minor
1.11 revised
1.26 accept

天涯海角666 2022-01-17

12.22 submitted
1.6 pending approval
1.9 minor
1.11 revised
To be continued

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