认证评论 - International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
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zzz12345 2023-04-17

Looking at the recent events, Hindawi Publishing Corporation is basically in big trouble. They seem unable to handle their normal business at the moment. I submitted an article for minor revisions in December last year, and it has been pending approval for 4 months. During this period, they suddenly claimed there were risks in the peer review process and needed further review. After waiting for 2 more months, it was still pending approval. When I emailed them, they either didn't reply or sent template responses that didn't solve any problems. I promptly withdrew my submission and sent it elsewhere. Open-access journals are so slow and have a bad attitude. I advise against submitting to Hindawi to avoid being in the same situation as authors from the previous batch, who got their articles published but then the journal was removed from SCI without being indexed, which was quite foolish.

Laplace 2023-04-03

Associate Editor is already assigned, Academic Editor unassigned.

hhxxo 2023-03-19

Hello, may I ask if this journal has any requirements for article length?

hhxxo 2023-03-19

Hello, may I ask if this journal has any requirements for the length of articles?

pytorch_null 2023-03-02

Last November, I also sent this confirmation. You can just reply directly. It's really slow, until now there is still no initial review result, and the editor does not reply to emails. They even changed an academic editor in the meantime, but still no response to emails.

hoyo 2023-03-01

I subscribed to this magazine at the beginning of the month, but received a modification request that says "We would like to receive your confirmation of the final authorship for this manuscript." After replying to the email, it seems like the editor did not receive my message. I have reminded them several times to reply to my email. Has anyone else encountered this situation, friends...

Williamfantacy 2023-01-29

2022. 11.9 - submit
2023. 1.20 - minor revision request

好好学液发 2022-12-01

2022-08-21: Submitted
2022-10-29: Major Revision Requested
2022-11-16: Revised
2022-11-28: The revised manuscript addresses all the comments of the reviewers satisfactorily. The manuscript is recommended for publication in the Journal.
2022-11-29: Accepted
2022-11-30: Publish (waiting online)

好好学液发 2022-11-27

After a major revision on November 16th, the paper shows "UNDER REVIEW". How long does this status usually last?

houyi123 2022-11-23

What is the final result and how do you withdraw the submission?

James_CT 2022-11-07

Oh my god!! It took 7 months!!!!
Submitted on 30th March 2022
Under review on 25th April 2022
Major revision with 4 reviewers' comments on 17th May 2022
Revised and under review on 1st August 2022
Minor revision with 2 reviewers' comments on 10th October 2022
Pending Approval from 10th to 21st October 2022
Accepted on 6th November 2022

do 2022-10-02

Finally, it's my turn to comment. My first SCI paper in the field of robotics. The specific timeline is as follows:

- 6.12: Submitted.
- 7.12: First review comments received. Two experts provided 14 suggestions, and the editor requested minor revisions.
- 7.20: Finished revisions and submitted.
- 9.23: Second review comments received. Two experts provided 3 suggestions, and the editor requested major revisions (the 3 suggestions left me speechless). In fact, both experts had provided their comments on August 12th, but the editor delayed for over a month, claiming they were awaiting expert opinions. It's truly unbelievable.
- 9.28: Completed revisions and returned.
- 9.30: Accepted. In fact, on September 28th, the expert opinions already indicated acceptance, but it was delayed for two more days.

For those planning to submit their papers, you can refer to this timeline. The process is not as fast as imagined, and the experts' revision suggestions are not overly strict.

阿呆 2022-06-23

From submission to the first review took a month and a half. There were just two minor revisions, which were completed and uploaded within two days. One day later, it was accepted. The layout fee was a bit expensive.

111111111111111 2022-05-12

The journal homepage displays an acceptance rate of 39.5% (191 out of 183) and a publication fee of 2300 dollars. The acceptance rate and publication fee are somewhat exaggerated even for open-access journals. More than half of the editorial board members are from Italy and China, and the latest issue published several pages full of articles written by Chinese authors. If master's students are in a hurry to graduate, they can consider submitting here, but it's a bit far-fetched to claim that it is strict and influential.

Basile 2022-05-07

After submission, it cannot be modified. Only when there are issues or revisions can it be modified.

Arrion_ 2022-04-29

I would like to ask if your submission interface can be opened normally. I am unable to modify my paper on the submission interface.

Arrion_ 2022-04-29

I would like to ask if your submission interface can be opened normally. I am unable to modify the paper. Thank you.

Basile 2022-04-02

Submitted on 2021/12/22, confirmed to be hired on 2022/2/28, the process was quite fast. There was a major revision, but there were not many modifications, and after the revisions were made, the hiring was confirmed. The editors are all very good, and they are responsive when encountering issues via email, and there is no specific template. In the end, they will provide a standardized layout, but the price is a bit expensive.

tjletpub 2022-03-26

How long does the first trial take?

半滚倒转 2022-03-03

Fast, expensive, and long... More than ten thousand yuan! The requirement for the paper is generally around 20 pages! Note that IJAE does not require the submission of papers with precise formatting, as it already includes publication fees. Although a beautiful format is a basic respect for reviewers... a 20-page paper is the length after careful proofreading and formatting, and initial submissions often exceed 25 pages. Although the journal's quality is not very high, reviewers do not like to read excessive nonsense in the methodology section. Therefore, a large amount of experimental results is needed; it's not good to submit a paper without substance. This is suitable for comrades who urgently need to use a paper in hand.

原原 2022-03-03

Hello, my submission status has been stuck at "AE invited" for almost two months. What is the current situation with your manuscript?

跑哥 2022-02-01

Too expensive, although hired.

大洛洛 2022-01-18

Please check your communication mailbox and also the editing name in the system should be available.

dilirejun 2022-01-12

Hello, classmate. This journal has been in editor assigned status for three months. What's going on? How should we reply to them?

dilirejun 2022-01-12

Hello, this journal has been assigned to an editor for 3 months. If I want to withdraw my submission, where can I find the editor's email? Any advice would be appreciated.

大洛洛 2022-01-04

Come back to fulfill my vow and thank the netizens who previously shared information. They helped resolve the issues in the first paper, which is now published online. The overall process was very fast. Initially, it was inexplicably rejected several times, but later I found out that the emails were in the spam folder of the communication mailbox. Although most of the time I contacted the SA (Support Assistant) or sent group emails, it is still necessary to remember to check the communication author's spam folder, otherwise it would be embarrassing. The waiting time for the AE (Associate Editor) is about a month, so please be patient. Once the AE is assigned, it depends on the speed of the AE and the reviewers, which is usually very fast. There were several rounds of proofreading. Overall, it was quite friendly. Although it is an open-source journal in Zone 4, it is recognized by the Aeronautical Society of T2, which is quite beneficial for those who face difficulties in publishing papers.

halyang17 2021-11-24

At that time, I had every author register according to the received email.

dilirejun 2021-11-23

Allocate 25 days to AE, but there has been no movement so far in AE.

安徒生格林 2021-11-23

How long has your unassigned been?

dilirejun 2021-11-22

I would like to ask the authors who have submitted their work, why is this magazine always in an "AE assigned" status without any changes?

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