注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

此生科研局外人 2023-07-28

2023/06/06 Rejected and resubmitted
2023/06/14 Assigned editor (remains unchanged)
2023/07/18 Feedback received
2023/07/26 Accepted

Originally, I just wanted to submit some casual content, but it turned into a long and agonizing submission experience. Each round had two reviewers with the same identification number, but based on the feedback, it seems that they were changed in the middle, resulting in new opinions. The reviewers also communicated with each other, and both the editor and the reviewers cannot be rushed. If rushed, the submission will be rejected.

此生科研局外人 2023-07-28

2023/02/24 Rejected and Resubmitted
2023/03/03 Assigned Editor (remains unchanged)
2023/04/19 Feedback returned
2023/05/29 Rejected

此生科研局外人 2023-07-28

2022/11/14 Rejection and resubmission
2022/11/24 Assignment of editor (same as the first round)
2023/02/05 Feedback received
2023/02/08 Rejection

此生科研局外人 2023-07-28

2022/06/15 Submission
2022/06/23 Deputy Editor Assigned
2022/08/29 Deputy Editor Replaced
2022/10/24 Reminder for Submission
2022/10/29 Feedback Received
2022/10/31 Rejected

purple cryscal 2023-03-04

May I ask how much the layout fee is?

没有论文的科研狗 2021-12-31

2021/08/08 Submission
2021/10/11 Rejection
2021/10/18 Resubmission
2021/11/24 Acceptance

After being rejected by another journal of the Electronic Intelligence Communication Society, the reviewer suggested submitting to this journal instead. They changed the associate editor and, based on the reviewer's comments, there was a change in one of the reviewers midway. The associate editor rejected it directly due to unclear research background. After resubmission, it was accepted directly without any opportunity for minor revisions.

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