认证评论 - Green Processing and Synthesis
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

LE 2023-04-17

Bro, what happened to your under review paper after one month? Give your little brother some advice.

LE 2023-04-17

Hey bro, how did your "under review" article go after a month? Can you give your little bro some advice?

vin- 2021-12-17

May I ask how long it takes for the external review after submission? I submitted my article and it became "under review" the next day. This status has lasted for a month. Is this still within the internal review process at the editorial department?

Junshaxi 2021-02-13

The requirements for the article are relatively low, and the speed is very fast. After one revision, it was accepted in two weeks.

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