认证评论 - Catalysts
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

panpan1234 2023-04-15

I submitted it on March 23rd, received a notification for minor revisions on April 6th, made the revisions on April 11th, and received acceptance on April 12th.

Mark_David 2023-04-14

Two months from submission to acceptance 123.

魏王 2022-11-21

You can contact me by email, thank you.

cyyyyyyyy 2022-11-03

May I ask how much is the fee for this layout?

魏王 2022-09-07

Recently, I have been responsible for a special issue of the Catalysts (IF: 4.501) journal, focusing on the design and synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts with no specific application limitations. I am in charge of applying for a discount on publication fees for everyone. Submissions are welcome at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/82QZ6C6RX3. Contact email: weizhzhe@zjut.edu.cn.

ctbud 2022-06-03

Do we need to pay taxes in addition to the layout fee?

dye124 2022-02-20

Submission experience:
2021.12.27 submitted
2021.12.27 under review
2022.01.23 major revision Three reviewers: 3 major revisions. There were many problems raised by the reviewers during the major revision, and they were very professional.
2022.01.31 resubmitted
2022.02.09 major revision After the major revision, two reviewers were not satisfied with the modifications.
2021.02.15 resubmitted
2021.02.15 under review
2021.02.16 accept
Overall, the review process was fast and the reviewers were very professional. We hope that the impact factor will continue to increase and the paper will be included in the second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences soon.

Holly 2022-02-08

2022.1.13 submission
2022.1.24 major revision (10 days) Two reviewers, one major revision, one minor revision
2022.2.1 resubmit the revision
2022.2.4 minor revision (2 days) Dissatisfaction with the response to the major revision from one reviewer
2022.2.6 accept
The whole process from submission to acceptance took a total of 25 days. Both the editor and the reviewers were very professional with their questions. It is recommended to conduct solid experiments before submitting, and ensure that the overall logical structure of the paper is clear. Otherwise, it may be rejected and it is advised to resubmit after making the necessary modifications. Additionally, the issues raised during the major revision were all very professional. The given 7-10 days were not sufficient if the relevant data and characterization were not prepared beforehand. This is just my personal opinion, and should be taken as a reference.

小浩 2021-11-27

2021.11.5 submitted
2021.11.5 under review
2021.11.13 major revision Four reviewers: 1 acceptance, 2 minor revisions, 1 major revision. The reviewer for the major revision had many professional questions.
2021.11.19 resubmitted
2021.11.19 major revision The reviewer for the major revision was not satisfied with the modifications.
2021.11.26 resubmitted
2021.11.27 accept
Overall, the review process was fast, and the reviewers were very professional. We hope that the impact factor continues to rise and that we can be included in the second zone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences soon.

Amyjiong 2021-07-19

The manuscript review is very professional and responsible. If you're in a hurry, you can submit it, as the process is fast.

催化新手 2021-07-12

Although it is an open-source journal, it is a special issue, and the recommended reviewers are all experts in the field of catalysis. The opinions provided are relatively professional and not as perfunctory as imagined.

九天揽月 2021-06-20

The speed is super fast. It takes less than two weeks from submission to acceptance. The article is innovative, but the process of concrete verification actually has flaws, and I don't want to conduct experiments to make up for it. In the end, it was changed to a weak mechanism biased towards application, mainly focusing on format, images, and attention to detail. The fee is indeed high.
Those in a rush to graduate can submit, and those who want to have a paper to rely on can also do so. If a master's thesis is submitted, there may even be a chance to receive a scholarship. Regardless of the quality of the journal, having a paper in hand reduces anxiety, and one can then focus on the rest.

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