认证评论 - Carbon Letters
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

一托托 2023-01-16

Receive DOI immediately.

xf1 2022-11-03

Excuse me, I have a question to ask. After the acceptance, approximately how long does it take for this journal to be published, or to issue a DOI number?

electrocatalysts 2022-10-26

The review process is very fast and free of charge. The IF continues to rise steadily, and it is worth recommending.

一托托 2022-02-10

2021.12.1 submit
2021.12.5 under review
2021.12.28 major revision
2022.2.9 accept
Optional to choose open source or not.

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