认证评论 - Applied Physics Reviews
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

发发发发呀发 2023-01-01

9.9.22 submit
09.17.22 securing reviewer
09.20.22 under review
09.25.22 securing reviewer
09.27.22 under review
10.11.22 editorial evaluation-editor
10.11.22 Decision Letter being Prepared
中修,两个reviewer, 一个建议投chemistry相关的刊+提了4个意见,另一个reviewer很positive 提了5个意见
11.19.22 resubmit
12.19.22 decision letter- accepted

9.9.22 submit
09.17.22 securing reviewer
09.20.22 under review
09.25.22 securing reviewer
09.27.22 under review
10.11.22 editorial evaluation-editor
10.11.22 Decision Letter being Prepared
During revision, two reviewers, one suggested submission to a chemistry-related journal and provided 4 comments, while the other reviewer was very positive and provided 5 comments.
11.19.22 resubmit
12.19.22 decision letter- accepted

打牛 2022-08-11

The latest upgraded version in December 2021, why is it in the second district and not a top-tier journal? Is it to surpass domestic journals?

jinye9475 2021-10-12

I received an invitation to submit a review article from the APR editor because of other research articles I had already published. At that time, I happened to be writing a review article, so I asked the editor if it would be acceptable. They said it was, but they mentioned that the scope of my original content was too small and asked me to expand it and write a longer article. They gave me a deadline of six months. Following the editor's advice, I completed the writing and submitted it. The editor and two reviewers provided feedback, and while there were no major issues, one of the reviewers pointed out twice that the direction of my review did not align with the scope of the APR journal. After my first explanation was ineffective, I responded and made revisions, which were then accepted. It seems that the editor held more authority in this decision. Despite some difficulties, the overall process went smoothly, and communication with the editor was very smooth and efficient, leaving me with a positive impression.

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