认证评论 - Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

shipeiyu 2023-06-05

First capitalize UR, then lowercase Ur, then capitalize it again, and finally lowercase it.

shipeiyu 2023-06-05

4.17 submission, directly UR, after two weeks UR again on May 20th, UR on June 5th, unsure if there is any significance to this.

爱你的笑1987 2023-05-21

You are considered fast, I took five months for the first review, and I kept urging them the whole time, but the responses were always from the authorities.

bxzjzy 2023-04-23

On April 19th, an email was sent inquiring about the status, stating that the peer review process has been completed and waiting for the decision of the editor-in-chief.

bxzjzy 2023-04-11

Still under review... So slow.

jiaer 2023-03-24

Are there submission requirements and submission templates?

bxzjzy 2023-03-22

On March 16th, there is only one paper left under review. Initially, when it was submitted, there was an assigned editor.
On March 19th, I followed up on the manuscript and received a reply stating that it is currently undergoing peer review.

bxzjzy 2023-03-03

May I ask how long it took for the first trial?

bxzjzy 2023-02-28

Submitted on February 16th, I don't know when the first trial can be.

马小明 2022-07-21

How long does it take for the first trial?

马小明 2022-07-21

How long is the submission period? How long did it take for the first review?

大罐车图图 2022-05-25

How long does it take for this journal to go from online publication to retrieval?

MartinLiu 2022-05-11

How are things going now? Have you been hired?

tib 2022-01-09

May I ask how the progress of your article review is going? Has the external review been completed?

JCR 2021-11-24

After looking at it, the ones that are reviewed quickly are all special issues, all organized by internal Chinese people, accepted within 2 months. If it's not a special issue, it won't work.

爱你的笑1987 2021-11-15

Dear everyone, I would like to ask you all for advice. As soon as I submitted this journal, it immediately changed to "under review." What should normally be displayed when it is sent for external review?

dongsongshou 2021-08-23

Hello, can we be friends to discuss this journal?

CSK 2021-07-24

Originally, I submitted to this journal because of its fast speed. Now, it has been two months and it still shows "under review". I have sent two emails asking about the status, and they keep saying that the manuscript is with the editor and has not been assigned to a reviewer. If they don't want to review it, they should just reject it already. This dragging on is wasting my time.

CSK 2021-06-26

How long does it usually take for you to receive the revised comments? I have submitted for over a month now and it is still under review. In the meantime, the journal even asked me to review a paper, which feels like they are taking advantage of my help for free.

creator1995 2021-06-21

May I ask how long it took for you to receive the results after making the modifications? It has been a month since I made the modifications and I still haven't received the results.

creator1995 2021-06-21

Regarding the same submission to ETT, may I ask how long it took for you to receive the modified results? It has been a month since I made the modification and I haven't received the results yet.

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